Numero 800…..

Yep, my 800th post, and most of them consecutive too. (if you count, I’bet that there are 800 flowers in the picture too) I first would like to thank the Academy….no no no. I really should thank that clot that went to my brain in 2008. After all, I use this blog for my ongoing therapy and it is a good discipline for me.

As the story goes (the abbreviated version) I had a stroke in April of 2008. This blog at the time existed, although its purpose at the time was to be one of those cutting edge blogs of a priest on the front lines of the battle. My stroke of course changed everything.
First of all we noticed that although I could still think and write, my perception of what I was writing was way better than what it actually was (sort of like now, but then the excuse was better). Although what I would write made sense to me, words were often inappropriate (meaning they were the wrong words for what I was trying to say) and the grammar was exceptionally poor, and sentences were often repeated or in the wrong order. I could look at it and it seemed to make sense, but like most married men, I had an “editor” who helped me get through it.
It didn’t take long to see that this was a good disciple for me. My abilities at the time to write about the “front lines” too was also diminished. I therefore started to just write about anything….like my life.
So it has been a wild journey to 800 and I have every intention to work toward 8000. I appreciate everyone who reads it, and I love the comments as well, even though some are in foreign languages requiring me to translate them. But it has been an unbelievable journey filled with many blessings. Thank you for sharing part of it with me.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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