Nothing of any importance…..

Wow…..walking around the house with carpet under our feet is pretty awesome. And, if I live through the night, I get to begin taking the aspirin again, which may not seem like much to you, but it is really the only preventative med I take post-stroke. I have been off it for 12 days!

So really tomorrow just gets things back to normal, and I couldn’t be happier. The house is looking great, Superman is putting on a show for me tonight, and before 9pm I feel confident that I will be asleep by 10! Of course as a young man I would just be beginning my evening, or at least deciding what I might be doing. And to be very honest, tonight I am not a young man any longer! Sleep is what I desire tonight!!
So with that I will just bid you goodnight. Sometimes you just have to know when to hit the hay….now is the time!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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