MAC the strife……..

I am trying to just get a grip on all the stuff that piles up when you can’t seem to get to it in time. Sometimes those things pile up because you cannot get to them, at other times they pile up because you make some changes and the learning curve puts you behind……for me, both are true.

First of all, a few months back I switched from a PC to a MAC. I understood the PC, but oddly enough it was always bogging down. The MAC I do not understand. What I can say though is that it rarely bogs down, and ultimately it will be a good thing…….I am just not too sure when ultimately is.
Then of course I switched from a Blackberry (which I again, understood) to an Android. Same issues. Now however, neither my MAC or my phone sync correctly with each other, and although I have tried, all it seems to do it copy contacts over and over on my phone. Of course this is far better than deleting contacts. I mean now if I need to call a particular hospital I have its number there in my address book 20 times. But I secretly feel like an idiot and I just need one of everything and SIMPLICITY…..which is what I was going for in the first place.
I know MAC has what they call the genius bar, but I was too cheap to get that at the start and oddly enough felt smart enough to figure it out. I have not only now seen the error of my ways, but also am coming to grips with my limitations. I may need to just belly up to the (genius) bar as they say and down a few with my humble pie.
But for now I will just call it a day. I might first however call the Bishop……..I just need to decided which of his 20 numbers to call.
Goodnight and God Bless!

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