Family Time………

Sometimes I just don’t ask.  This picture was taken last night in Ben’s room where I came into find Scotty dressed in some sort of full-bodied Halloween costume standing on a chair working on the ceiling fan.  Of course he wanted to explain (get ready, it is extensive)………

Apparently he and Ben were doing some sort of adventure game together and he, meaning Scotty, shot an arrow (from a bow and arrow, not a real one as a Ben and Scott safe one) across Ben’s room.  The fan has two chains hanging down, one for the light and the other for the fan.  The arrow hit the fan chain (he wasn’t aiming for it as no one can make that shot) and the chain snapped off.  So intending to continue the adventure (in the light) Scotty did not take the time to de-costume, but instead just got a chair and started to work on the light.  And THAT was the scenario I walked into.

There are a few things worth noting here.  The first is that Ben and Scotty still act like twins.  They always have and they always will I suppose.  And sometimes they act like doofuses in costumes and at others they do cool adult-type things.  We are all just used to it.

The second is that Scotty’s fiancee Kenzie, although not in costume, was a witness to this all and it is significant that she both sees it and stays!  That is what makes her so great.  As you can see from the picture (in which he is still in that ridiculous outfit) she clearly wants to keep a safe and sane distance from being identified with these two goofballs, but since I was there I guarantee you that this is really her!!

The third thing is speculation on my part, and it is that perhaps they were thinking that this costume might be a better choice than his Dress Blues or a tuxedo.  I don’t know, but I am just throwing it out there.

Anyway, it’s always interesting here and it is our life.  And to us there is no better way to kick in 2014 than space suits, toy weapons, and electrical contracting.  It makes excited about the months ahead.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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