
It has been an eventful day. We had our traditional trick or treat outing with our friends the Lingenfelters, and then the (also) traditional pizza afterwards. Ben was Buzz Lightyear (Gabe’s old costume from a few years ago), Gabe was Anakin Skywalker, and Bella was a Fairy Princess. It is always a great time, and this was no exception.

But I also had the opportunity to re-visit a Halloween of many years ago……because this morning, I was pulled over by one of Indiana’s Finest (and yes, I capitalize it because I am not being funny…..I am a huge admirer of our police and military). But apparently I was going a bit fast and not paying attention to that at all. The officer was a real gentleman, and I was as well. I apologized with the truth, I was speeding and wasn’t paying attention, and handed over my license and registration.
He came back to my car a few minutes later with a warning, which was a real gift to me since I was going pretty fast, but the rest of my trip got me thinking.
My mind was taken back to Halloween in 1975 where my boss send me to the Handy Andy (a hardware store) in Spring Hill, Florida just a few months after I had been ordained. I had purchased what he sent me for at the service desk in the back, since that was where they handled such things, but was then stopped at the front of the store and not treated all that well because they thought I was stealing something. It took me weeks to get the fact that a young 20-something in a priest’s outfit on Halloween is pretty suspicious. Yet I was insulted and still have trouble thinking about it to this day.
Funny how I was treated so well on my second Halloween detainment. Just like before I never thought anything about a costume until later, but it certainly could have been construed as such I suppose.
But the irony of it all was not wasted on me, and it has provided me a pretty good life lesson…..after all, what am I in such a hurry for? I know the bishop has told the story of me blowing by him on the interstate. Yeah, I drive fast, but for what?
So I drove the speed limit the rest of the way there, and despite being pulled over and driving slow, I still got there in time. And then going home, I didn’t program up the Tom Tom and try and beat some time home, I just drove through the country and stayed off the roads with cars. It wasn’t to avoid another pull over, it was just to relax.
Ultimately, I am not as glad for how the ticket was just a warning, but how the real gleaning for me was to slow down and take it in and enjoy it. The slow drive through the country made the rest of the day better. And for every bit of this day, I am thankful!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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