Tag Archives: yard sale

The looming feeling of dread…..

I have been consumed all day with worry and dread. My wife, who by most standards is considered sane, has decided that we will take part in the neighborhood garage sale this Friday and Saturday. Of course the Bible tells us to watch and pay attention for signs of impending doom and gloom……as this sale has approached, our house has been full of them!

For instance, we all had to go through our closets and take out clothes that we will no longer be wearing. This is not meant to be sexist, but this is an exercise that seems only important to girls. I am guy, and even at 46, I really can’t think of any rational reason as to why I would throw away anything I would wear. When pants rip, I wear them to mow the lawn. When shirts grow old, I cut off the sleeves and use them to play basketball or lacrosse with the kids. When ripped things go through their yard work and sports stage, they often become rags or chew toys for the dogs. But to my wife, in truth, everything seems to be an attempt to change me, though she would most likely not call it “change” as much as “train.” (good luck to her!!)

I will also spend the morning setting up tables for her and then cleaning up at the close of the day (and then do it all again tomorrow). It’s A LOT of work, but I am sure the $25.oo we will make over the course of weeks of stressful, back-breaking labor will be well worth it. After all, the hourly rate I am going to receive, I am sure, will no where near compare to the satisfaction I will receive from losing my comfortable raggy clothes and having well ordered closets and drawers! If heaven is a perfect place, I am hoping all my discarded clothes will meet me there.

Anyway, on a more serious note, I am getting better and my wife is clearly noticing. Sadly, that means the sympathy is ending and the work is just beginning. Appealing to her compassionate side probably won’t work this weekend. She loves to organize, clean, and get rid of stuff.

So I best get in line, get the stuff out, and take a shower. I don’t want to end up priced and sitting out there for sale!

I want you to know I am doing well, and getting better each and every day! Father Kelly Irish from Madison, Ohio will be here this weekend to cover for me. Come out and worship with him.

I look forward to seeing you all very soon.
