Tag Archives: worry

Being thankful for the important and right things……

It has been a stressful day. Amanda and Ben are still out of town, and this morning Steph (who was driving) and Scott got in an accident with two other cars on their way to school. A friend of theirs was also riding in the car, and although no one was hurt, as a parent it still weighs heavily on your heart. I am so very thankful they are all fine. A car we can fix.

But the stress and worry has me struggling to keep things straight! I have a gathering tomorrow to be at in Nashville in the morning at St. Matthew’s, but I am supposed to bring quite a few things with me, and in the fog I am wondering whether or not I will remember. Fortunately people are pretty forgiving and what I do forget, if indeed I do, I can go buy someplace down there.

With all of it though I need to say I must now go to bed. The posting times of these entries do not reflect the time or time zone I write them in. It is now 1:30 in the morning and I am leaving in 6 hours. Stress and too many things happening is never my friend, but I will not make it worse…..I will sign off and go try and sleep.

Thanks for checking in! Say a prayer of thanksgiving with me today! I hope you have had a blessed day!

Good night and God Bless!


Of blasting away the effectiveness of my fragile mind…….

The day is done, the moon is full, and I am once again out on the back porch. I was going to say something about how peaceful it was out here, but apparently someone has taken it upon themselves to light a bunch of firecrackers out front our house in the street. Perfect timing!

Sadly, it has taken my mind away from what I was going to write about tonight and I just cannot seem to get it back! Immediately I began to think about those blasts scaring Ben and waking him up, and then that’s right where my mind stays! Dear Lord I love my stroke-damaged mind! I get distracted, my mind goes there, and there it stays until it’s ready to leave! Oh well, I will not worry about it. I have learned that when I do I only frustrate myself. (I also have learned that I never get distracted thinking about a nice big cheeseburger or a beach either!)

Anyway, let me just say I will try again tomorrow. Sleep is great therapy for me and the Lord seems to be giving me new chances to write this each day! I hope to make the best of it tomorrow. Jesus tells us not to worry, and I try not to…but the firecrackers tonight make that hard. But the sun will bring a new day, and with it God’s Son will bring us all more opportunities!

Nite and God Bless!
