Tag Archives: working

Everybody’s working for the weekend……….

With a lot of prayers and a lot of work, I am happy to report that the work on St. Patrick’s should be finished sometime tonight before midnight! I am SO HAPPY. The people have been so patient and it will be such a blessing to have a completed and permanent home.

Often things like this get completed and it feels like a finish line when in fact it is just a beginning. We have a new church, new chairs, room to do things, yet we are called not to put our feet up and enjoy it, but rather to use it! We will use this to teach classes, to worship, to spread the Good News, and to grow God’s Kingdom. And just as the goal of the early Church was to expand, so too from St. Patrick’s do we hope to plant other churches!

I will not kid you, I am exhausted! We have been working non-stop for weeks and now Christmas is upon us! It is going to get a bit more intense before it gets easier! But thank God for the opportunities and the blessings He has bestowed upon us and our ministry! There is no greater privilege and no better place that I could imagine to be!

Come visit or join us at ANY of our missions!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

Fr. Tom+

Of hammers, birthdays, and doing our part to protect the environment………

What a day!!

I came home tonight after a full and long day in Nashville. I was out the door at 6:30am, and home at 7:30pm. We got a lot accomplished, and it looks great, but I was probably over the top with activity by 10.

The highlight of the day was that it was Deacon Dan Conley’s birthday today, and we were able to share in a little pizza and cake with him. We only put 1 candle on the cake, since we know that the number we needed was out of our price range, Dan could probably not blow out more than that, and plus we are concerned for the environment. So it was Pizza King and cake, two of my favorite things, and I sat their through lunch wondering if it were indeed my birthday!

We will move to this location in just a little over two weeks. Our service in Nashville is currently on Saturday evening at 5:00pm. On August 31st it will move to Sunday at 9:00am. We expect to grow there with the better time too.

Overall it was a great day. Dan Prather from St. Patrick’s came down to help and a few parishioners from St. Matthew’s stopped in as well. Father Sean was with us, and he’s been great! I believe all of this has been a great learning for him. Of course by this point he probably thinks he works for a construction company instead of a Church, but in truth it really is so much more than worship. In a very real way we help people build and rebuild lives. We help them lay down good foundations, repair and repaint damaged souls…..and occasionally do secular construction too! But it is all good work, and for the opportunity we are all thankful.

Nite my friends and God Bless…..I am off for some Advil and sleep!

Fr. Tom+

A short post before the end of the day…….

Today was really my first full day back working, and I made the most of it in usual Tom Tirman style…..I packed in about 30 hours of work into 12 hours. No, I am not working on a second, more spectacular stroke, but I am in the process of relearning how to manage my life with a brain that doesn’t quite get it yet. (nor can it tell time) I was slap-happy in the late morning, yet far from done. It will be interesting to see what I feel like tomorrow.

What I can say is that I am emotionally and physically wiped out from the day, and from the happenings of life all around me. I do know I am way past my limit, and will forgo writing too much tonight…it would only be rambling.

But if you read this, I ask that you please pray for the family of Michael Treinen and for our community. His visitation is tomorrow and his funeral is on Thursday. Your prayers will mean a lot to everyone.

Goodnight my friends, and God Bless.


Of good days and bad……no one ever bats 1000

Today has been a pretty good day, at least when you look at it as a whole. It started early, and it will end late, and all the little pieces that were inbetween seemed to fit together pretty well.

I am posting this late, because I have been gone the entire day. I was excited to get home and do so…..but the struggles I sometimes endure can occasionally become overwhelming….and they were as we got home. I was going to say, “you know it’s funny,” but it really is not…….it’s actually quite frustrating. I know what is right, and I know what I think, and I even know what to do…….but when I cannot do any of them, it’s hard not to melt down (inside and out). I know that seems to be thinking outloud…..like people can hear my inner monologue, but I want you to know. You see I think, I understand, I know, and I can……but having all that doesn’t stop me from misfiring. I don’t suppose that makes sense, and that’s part of the problem too. I read about strokes, I talk to people who have had them and treat them, yet I am often puzzled. I suppose that’s part of it, but when I heard the word “mild” I just expected “easier.”

I know that no one bats 1000, at least for not very long, and I know my average is very high. But I am not the most patient of sorts, nor do I ever set my bar too low. I am just working my way back to normal, and with God’s grace and your prayers I hope to get there……if I get my way, in about 15 minutes!

You keep praying…..and I’ll keep at it.

Fr. Tom+