Tag Archives: work

The day is done….finally!

I really thought tonight might not ever get here. It has been an extremely long day filled with a variety of work….Church work, construction work that I did on our house, and work in preparation for our upcoming Varsity lacrosse season. I ended the night at Scott’s indoor game, and it was a blast. Noblesville has three teams in the indoor league, and this week and next are us playing one of our other teams. I enjoy it, because the people are so nice, and they, as well as all the players are so respectful. It is a great program, and I am glad to be a part, not just as a parent, but as the girl’s Varsity and JV coach.

The construction work I did involved putting in some beams for the ceiling that were not part of the damage and repair estimate from the pre-Christmas water incident. I am glad I can do things like that because I am sure it would cost a fortune. Plus I like it. So much of my job is not tangible. It is great to do something I can see immediately.

And of course soon the regular lacrosse season will be upon us. I enjoy getting to see my son play, but soon I will be immersed in the girl’s program. We have tons of games and practices and they all begin late next month and go through mid-May. It is a lot, but well worth it. My only regret is that lacrosse wasn’t a sport when I was in high school. It would have been a great way to stay out of trouble!

Anyway, busy days lead to good night’s sleep…at least I hope. I hope your day has been full of God’s blessings!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.

Fr. Tom+