Tag Archives: women

Faith and study for a meaningful Monday and beyond…….

On Monday nights Amanda leads a women’s Bible study in our home. It is a study that is really about the Bible….it began at the beginning of the Gospels and is making its way through.

It got me thinking that maybe the men of the Church might like something, so beginning Wednesday at 6:30 we will start a 7 week Bible Study here using Tony Dungy’s Bible Study “Quiet Strength.” After we finish that, hopefully something else will continue for the men of St. Patrick’s while I go over to Anderson and lead the Tony Dungy book for the men of St. Anne’s. From there I will head to both Nashville and Greenfield.

Church and faith are really much more than just gathering for worship on a Sunday, or on Christmas and Easter if you are really stretching it! The idea is that faith permeates all of life, including all the time we are away from worship. Worship and study inform life, and how we live should reflect both. I am always amazed, and almost always disappointed, at how people often compartmentalize their faith into a time slot rather than to weave it into the whole of their lives. We are better than that……I just wish we could realize it!

Anyway, the study is now done, Ben is in bed, this blog is written and I am about at the end myself. My prayer for us all however is that we “get it.” Life is too important not to. And living by faith, every moment and every day, is what give life its purpose and meaning. My friends I want that for you.

Goodnight and God Bless! May your tomorrow be filled with God’s abundant blessings!

Fr. Tom+