Tag Archives: Winter

Winter is back!!!

I am glad to finally see all the snow and the cold weather! And though all our cars are iced up and the roads are treacherous, it just feels right to have all of it in the month of December. Certainly I could do without the bad roads, but with all the leaves gone the snow makes everything look so wonderful.

As breeders of Golden Retrievers I love getting them out in the new snow. There are no bigger idiots than our four, who romp and play and have so much fun chasing each other and rolling around in it. It makes me so happy to watch them. In a way it just makes all the hustle and bustle of life seem very small. Watching them is watching pure enjoyment and love for the moment. I only wish I could capture some of their exuberance!

Winter is kind of my thing. I know I am an anomaly rather than the norm, but I really don’t care. I feel blessed to enjoy it, and thank God for the opportunity to do so each day it is with us. Snow is God’s way of covering up the muck, and the cold reminds us that our hearts are what’s warm. And for those of you who do not believe it, that’s why He made hot chocolate. Pour yourself a cup and sit it out. Spring is just over 3 months away!

Stay warm! Goodnight and God Bless!


Of rolling my fat self over the hump………

Just when I thought the world was getting back to normal, I awoke to all this rain. It is December, and though I am from just a couple of hours north of where I currently live, there is SNOW there and there has been for most of November and December. Sure, rain is easier to shovel and a lot easier to drive in, but I really do think it should snow in December, not rain.

Of course if the Lord really was interested in my opinion my beloved Chicago Bears would be doing a lot better, so I guess I should just accept it and carry an umbrella instead of gloves and a hat. It’s not the first thing in my life I had trouble understanding, and I am certain it will not be the last. I am just glad I am not a kid anymore……this whole thing would make backyard/neighborhood ice rinks a little hard to maintain!

Today, overall, has been a good day. I got a lot accomplished, including a visit to my regular doctor. He is a great guy and a real Godsend to me through all I have gone through. No big changes for me other than an adjustment in some medications. The good news is that I look to have survived and am good for another 100,000 miles. Amanda and the kids will just need to save for a vacation…..there will be no inheritance!!

Oh I kid, I kid…. I am just happy to say I feel like I am on the other side of all of this, and that I only anticipate getting stronger. My weight is back up, but tonight is the end of it…..I am going back down. And we are getting rid of the gym in our garage and have decided to park, get this, cars there. Imagine that! So I will be finding a gym close to the house to visit soon.

Time has been good to me, and the Lord has blessed me deeply. I will not take that for granted. I am committed to living a long and healthy life, and hope to be a burden to all three kids someday. But for now I will just enjoy life and live it day by day.

Off to bed early for me tonight. I hope and pray your day has been every bit as blessed as mine.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


A warm heart on a cold night……..

I saw some snow today for the first time this year and my life is now starting to make sense. After all, it is NOVEMBER, and November is a snow month as far as I am concerned. Though I enjoyed the 70 degree weather, somehow it just doesn’t seem right to me to do so. After all, I do not live in the Carolinas or Florida, I live in Indiana. It is supposed to get cold as it gets later in the year!

Over the course of my life, I even remember seeing snow in July one year, though I protested that too. I am sure the Lord just left someone else in charge of it all, and that they are no longer working in the home office.

I have to say however, that I am glad to see the Winter weather move in. As a native of Indiana it just feels right for it to be November and cold. And though I know that not everyone is happy about it, I do believe there are just somethings (like this) that are just best left to the design of God Himself.

Of course I am no longer on the porch typing these, but inside….not even the cat will join me for very long out there now. But I am just thankful for the opportunity I have to live the life I have been given. I have got it pretty good, and whether is be warm or cold outside, I consider myself very blessed. I hope your life is just as wonderful.

Stay warm! Goodnight my friends and God Bless.
