Tag Archives: wet

Tails of a Faithful Dragonslayer……………

Tonight the cat did not want to come out here on the porch tonight and I cannot imagine why. Perhaps it was the five dogs I had out here with me while Amanda led her Bible Study tonight in the other room. I wanted to let them have a bit of air before it started, but when it rained they became wet, and there’s nothing that says “go sleep in the garage” more than overshadowing all of your wife’s preparation for her guests than to make the house smell like wet dog.

As for the cat, she is not afraid of any of them, even though she weighs just 6 pounds. She is just a typical cat, annoyed easily, and just didn’t want to mess with the five of them…..plus the wet dog smell. Tonight she appears much smarter than me!

But all and all, I loved being out here with them, wet and all. Four of our dogs are show dogs, but to hang with them you would never know it. They are our family, and quite frankly I get a lot out of hanging around them. They are all about tail-wagging fun, and often I am a bit too uptight. I need to get something accomplished, while they constantly tell me to lighten up….after all there is always time to chase just one more ball.

In the times of my life that have been hard, I always have appreciated my family, my friends, and my faith…..but also my beloved dogs. They make no judgements, they hold no expectations. They don’t worry about what kind of day I have or what I need to do. They just love me and are happy to see me.

God knew what He was doing when He made and gave us dogs…..particularly His favorite dog, the Golden Retriever (I bet I get some comments on that one!) But tonight I thank God for those 16 golden legs and 4 wagging golden tails, and yes, even for the 4 legs and 1 tail on our “spare dog,” Amanda’s dog Spencer. They’ve made my night a lot of fun!

Goodnight my friends, and I hope you have had a great day! God bless!

Fr. Tom+