Tag Archives: weather

Weather Rodent, please be wrong on this blessed day!

Groundhog Day, though not an official Church holiday, may end up being one of my favorite days this year.

First of all, the Weather-Rodent saw his shadow, predicting of course six more weeks of Winter. That would honk me off normally if it were not for the statistic that he is right only 39% of the time. Sure that may be better than most modern meteorologists, but if history is any teacher he is wrong more than right. Let’s pray that it is the case this year!

Secondly, our flooring was delivered this afternoon! So that means that sooner or later it will be installed and hopefully SOONER! The sad part is that Scotty and I will have to take up all the old flooring this afternoon, but it is really a small price to pay to get to where we need to be!

Anyway, things are moving along! I am thankful for the day….and even more thankful that Scott is almost home!

God Bless you my friends!


Be careful….please!

It seems that we are living in Antarctica (minus the penguins)! The temperature is dropping. Schools are already delayed for tomorrow before we even are going to bed, and the kids are already praying they just say it’s too cold to even go. We will see.

The weatherman says that these next few days may be the coldest of Winter. It is going to be so cold that even Fr. Terwilliger would stay inside! Okay that may not be totally true since Dave now moved back to Alaska where the average temperature is about 600 degrees below, and that’s in the summertime! But for us here it is cold!

So if you need to go out be careful and cover up! Make sure to be smart for this is weather is dangerous.

As for me, I am working from home, God willing, all day.

Off to a warm bed probably taken 3/4 up by a toddler in full-body jammies who wants to make sure his mom is warm!

Goodnight and God Bless.


Neither rain nor snow, nor even fog……….

I woke up this morning to the joy of an unexpected snow! Being a product of the snow-belt, there is nothing better than for me to look out upon a blanket of snow, particularly when I had no idea it was coming. AND, it was a lot of snow for here….probably about 2-3 inches when we left, and it was still snowing hard. We even turned back around and took our bigger car because none of the roads we were on had been plowed and it was pretty treacherous.

This put us behind in terms of our arrival time in Nashville, so I called ahead to Deacon Conley and let him know what was happening. Oddly enough Dan said it was nice there….35 degrees and just raining, no snow at all. And in time we found that to be true. As we got into Indy and made our way around, little by little the snow disappeared, and son it was not there at all. When we left for Greenfield after the service in Nashville, we found it much the same all the way there….no snow, just rain and grass!

We stopped at Deacon Morgan’s on the way home in Anderson, and there was snow there. PT said it took him an hour to get from his house to Noblesville this morning, so that affirmed that all the weather adventures we had today were not a dream. And, there is still snow here at our home, though not as much as when we left. All the yards are covered but the streets and drives melted as the snow became rain later in the day. We had made the full weather gamut.

As difficult as it was in the morning, it turned out to be a pretty interesting experience. November 30th was experienced by people just a few miles apart as a very different day. There are kids here in the field behind my house building snowmen. In Nashville you could have mowed your yard. We got to experience it all.

Anyway, nothing theological there, other than the Lord making me head to work so that I didn’t have to shovel my driveway. I suppose that is a blessing, but then again I love doing it. It has just been a fun day, a good day, and the weather made it like going through Winter, Fall, and Winter again all the same day…..and there’s nothing boring about that!

Well I hope and pray wherever you are reading this that you have had a great day and many blessings. There’s no telling what tomorrow might bring. And after today, I honestly wouldn’t even want to speculate.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


A warm heart on a cold night……..

I saw some snow today for the first time this year and my life is now starting to make sense. After all, it is NOVEMBER, and November is a snow month as far as I am concerned. Though I enjoyed the 70 degree weather, somehow it just doesn’t seem right to me to do so. After all, I do not live in the Carolinas or Florida, I live in Indiana. It is supposed to get cold as it gets later in the year!

Over the course of my life, I even remember seeing snow in July one year, though I protested that too. I am sure the Lord just left someone else in charge of it all, and that they are no longer working in the home office.

I have to say however, that I am glad to see the Winter weather move in. As a native of Indiana it just feels right for it to be November and cold. And though I know that not everyone is happy about it, I do believe there are just somethings (like this) that are just best left to the design of God Himself.

Of course I am no longer on the porch typing these, but inside….not even the cat will join me for very long out there now. But I am just thankful for the opportunity I have to live the life I have been given. I have got it pretty good, and whether is be warm or cold outside, I consider myself very blessed. I hope your life is just as wonderful.

Stay warm! Goodnight my friends and God Bless.
