Tag Archives: walking

Walking for an important cause……..

Tomorrow morning Deacon Morgan and I will travel down to Indianapolis to lead a worship service for walkers at the American Diabetes Association walk. The ADA’s walk raises money to help fight the battle against diabetes, and it raises awareness as well. We are both honored to be able to be a part.

Diabetes, of course, is a big deal in my family. My mom is in a nursing home here in town, primarily because of issues stemming from her diabetes. And my grandfather, who I miss terribly, also was put into a nursing home when his body just shut down from battling it. All these walkers, whether they come to the worship service or not, are very important to me. I appreciate their hard work and dedication. I know all those with diabetes and their families do as well.

I so enjoy being around people who go give of themselves in order to support other people and (good) causes. It will be a wonderful and inspirational day, I am sure!

If you want to join in by making a donation go to www.diabetes.org/stepout

Goodnight my friends, and God Bless.

Fr. Tom+

A tribute to our very own Neil Armstrong………

There he stood at the edge of his Playskool walker. It was a moment he had been preparing for his entire life. I swear I heard the words, “One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind,” though all Amanda heard was “ba ba ba.” And then it happened, history was made……Ben took his first step all alone.

Of course my attempts to alert the media fell on deaf ears! You’d think they would be covering such a big event. But these days if it doesn’t involve Brittany, Lindsay, or some dysfunctional sports figure, then they consider it a “non-event.” To us however, it was and is a pretty big thing.

It comes however despite my warnings to my wife and even to Ben himself. Knowing what I know as a parent of over 16 years, I have asked him (Ben), and pleaded with him to not to begin walking. And it’s with good reason too. Steph and Scott started walking many years ago I have been chasing them ever since. I am older now, and it may kill me to chase another! But alas, no one but me seems to care, so I guess, despite the risk, I’ll be chasing him too, but I will do so with a smile on my face. He’s a pretty cute little baby, and he seems to enjoy the thrill of the steps. Who would want to deprive him of that?

Big steps, big day, big celebration! God is always full of surprises and blessings. I will count this one in the win column as a wonderful and special day! I hope yours has been just as wonderful!

God bless.
