Tag Archives: victory

Go Lady Millers Go Go Go!!

Tonight the Noblesville Lady Millers, of which I am the coach, took the field for the final game of the indoor season. Both our boys teams finished the season last night, and tonight was our turn. The stands were full, and I am happy to say that we did not disappoint….at all.

Before the game I told them that if we played “our game” there would be no beating us, and that’s exactly what they did. The girl’s played better than they ever have, just like they practice, and their flawless performance led to a remarkable victory. You see, this team beat us twice last year, and one of those times in the finals. In the indoor season we split, but the last time they beat us badly. It was very good for the girl’s to play so well.

Anyway, I am off to bed while the day is going so well! Congrats Lady Millers! I am so proud of you. We are on our way to a great season this year!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless. Thanks for checking in!


Making it to the day’s end awake….but barely!

With a full day, a lacrosse game to coach and then wine and cheese party at our house for the members of St. Patrick’s, I had little to no time at all today! It was however an enjoyable day. The house was clean, we won our game, and I got to spend time socializing with some great people at our house. I would consider this day a big victory!

But with that, I have overextended myself. I still am searching for that energy and pep I had six months ago. I am extraordinarily tired and am worried about my stamina for tomorrow already.

So with that, I will not push, but instead call it a day….and a good day at that!

God bless you my friends….I will check in again tomorrow!



Of victories and vision……….

Today was a spectacular day. I was able to finish a sermon, deliver it in two missions, and celebrate in both places as well. It was not very eloquent, nor was it very smooth in parts, but all things considered I was very pleased. It felt good to be back doing what I love to do.

There seems to be a lot more flow to my thoughts and my direction when I am writing, over just speaking the things that I think. The visual of writing what I would say provided me the framework I was able to walk within. It was still difficult at times, but in the end quite workable. As I said, it just felt good, and though I know people worried, it was an important step for me to take.

My sermon is now posted online for people to listen to if they would like, and other pre-stroke ones are on there too. I really do want to know if there is a big difference, but it sort of scares me to compare. You see, I can tell and I know I am not where I want to be……and though I am certainly curious, hearing myself struggle at all probably do not serve me well at all. I really do already know what I sound like, and I also already know I don’t intend to sound like that for long!

It was just so very good to be back among such good Christian people. My intention now is not just to be back, but to stay back for the rest of the time the good Lord intends for me to. I’m figuring maybe another 40 or 50 years. It gives me plenty of time to work on my thoughts and my speech….and Lord knows…..I need it!

Speaking a little clearer and straighter each and every day…….

God Bless!

Fr. Tom+