Tag Archives: under one roof

The prodigal son, or at least the toddler son, returns……

Oh finally!!! The night before the return of Ben and Amanda! On the phone tonight we all commented about how weird this has all been. We are not used to the house being so silent. No one has been hit in the head with a toy, the TV has had shows on other than Veggietales, and more than anything, we are just desperately lonely for their return.

But tomorrow will come and we will rejoice. Steph has to work shortly after school, but was excited to know that Ben would be here for the short time she will be home. Scott will be home later, but is anxious to wrestle with his brother. Ben on the other hand, probably doesn’t know a thing. Last we heard he was on his grandma’s lap being read a Dr. Suess book. I am sure he is miserable without us (at least that is what I tell the kids). But in reality, he will be so excited to be with us all.

I am looking forward to 12:35! Amanda, I know is as well. We have a pretty great family, but we are really at our best when we are all together. I know we will all rejoice tomorrow when the noise level will once again go up and the toys will be everywhere. It may seem chaotic, but it’s our life and we enjoy its many blessings. Thanks be to God that tomorrow we will finally all be under one roof again!

I am going to bed so it gets here more quickly!! Goodnight and God Bless!
