Tag Archives: time

Of furniture, cold weather, and prayers for the weather rodent……..

February 1st, how time flies! I just want it to fly a little faster into the warmer weather and then it can slow down. With our house still in transition, and the weather so cold, we can hardly escape! But by this time next week, I hope to be writing from a house completely free of contractors and needing only a little bit of furniture to complete. As I said, it is my hope, but one I will hold onto tightly.

My day was actually very productive. With only St. Patrick’s to cover, we were able to go out and look at some ideas to replace the furniture that was destroyed by the water. With both Amanda and I working, two Bible studies, and all the lacrosse and kid stuff, finding decent blocks of time to do things we need to can be difficult. I think we got a lot of it resolved though. We will see.

But as for me, I am going to call it a day and get ready for tomorrow. Tomorrow is Ground Hog Day, and I need to pray that the world’s most famous rodent meteorologist gets it right…..just in case the house doesn’t get finished!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


Of flying time and dreams of rest………

Today has come and gone, and it seems as if I just got up! I do not know why that happens, but I do know that I very rarely hear kids speak that way, just adults.

It’s not just the days either, it’s years. When did I get to be 47 and why do I have to think pretty hard of what age I am now anyway?? Does it really have to be that way? It just give my kids ammunition to verify that I am getting old and confused! And often I tend to believe it myself. I am mostly sharp when no one else is around, and my memory of my athletic career is far more spectacular in those times as well!

I am hoping and praying to have a long relaxing day sometime soon, you know, the kind where you feel great and where you think it is much later than it really is……..only to find you have lots more time to enjoy the day than you thought! Oh for that kind of day! I suppose we all would like that though. Hopefully it can come true for us all.

Anyway, maybe at least I can get some sleep! The day is done, everything is ready for tomorrow, and only the stair are between me and my bed. I will give it a go! Hopefully you have had a blessed day!

Goodnight my friends, and God Bless.


Overpacking, every day……….

Though Ben is almost 16 months old and in our eyes quite brilliant, often he tries to get his toys and fit them into spaces they not only don’t belong but where they also could never fit. God knows he tries, but he is just not old enough to know the difference.

Quite often I wish I had his excuse, because despite age and wisdom, I appear to do that same thing all the time, especially with my schedule……I attempt to fit in too many things that just could never fit into the opening there to accommodate them!

Today is a perfect example. I am scheduled all day, with little time in between, yet things like lunch, dinner, and one possibly two hospital calls may have to wait till after the Bible Study tonight at my house. Looking at tomorrow it is not better. I am scheduled all morning, then a neurologist appointment, then lacrosse practice, then I pick up Scotty because he has a game at 6:55. And, I have Ben through the whole thing!! With any luck I will be in bed sometime Saturday!!

Anyway, I forgot to schedule time to write this, so I will be off to meet up with another pressing need! Keep the faith my friends and pace yourselves. They say the God only gives us that which we can handle….just a few of us add some more too it! It all works out however in the end! At least I believe it!

God Bless!

Fr. Tom+