Tag Archives: thirst

Of walking the right road…….

I was watching the news yesterday and heard a story about how some pregnant couples are doing all they can to make sure their babies are born on August 8th…..so their babies’ birthdays will be 08/08/08. It may be a cool conversation piece, but I really wish people could get it together. Numbers don’t hold the meaning to life, nor do horoscopes, the stars, or mediums. You cannot get where you need to be by reading tea leaves or tarot cards. And if you really want me to get your attention…..lie’s meaning cannot not be found through the likes of Dr. Phil, or God forbid, even Oprah!

Too often people look for life’s meaning in places that can never provide it, and then they wonder why they never seem satisfied. Jesus talks about this very thing to the woman at the well, a woman who just could never seem to get life right. She came to the well seeking water to quench her thirst, yet she found life’s meaning……..for He told her of water to drink that would make it so she would never thirst again. She had been dealing her whole life with only what she wanted, but He was promising her what she needed…….life’s meaning.

Perhaps you too are thirsty, or hungry, or searching for life’s meaning. Do you ever wonder if there is any more to life than just this?? My friend, I promise you there is. But you will not find what you need on a talk show, or in a self-help book, or in numbers or the stars. You can only find it in a relationship with God through His Son Jesus Christ. For true and permanent satisfaction only comes through Him, Jesus, the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

I urge you to come to know Him, if not through one of our Missions, through a good Bible-based Church. There are many of them out there, and they all will address, not wants, but the total satisfaction of what we all truly need!

God bless you my friend.

Fr. Tom+