Tag Archives: thankfulness

A day of thankfulness and bliss……..

Yee ha! We have contractors in our house and things are moving along. I was told that they hope to be done within two weeks. It will be awesome to have our home back to normal again…..or at least as normal as it normally is!

Life just sometimes sidetracks, and we have to deal with what comes. Certainly we all want it in our own terms, but what I have found, in my short almost 48 years, is that it rarely ever is. Life generally spans the entire spectrum. But in truth we are only promised paradise in heaven, not here. Oh sure, living with my wife Amanda is like living that kind of paradise all the time 😉 but most everything else can go back and forth.

I am writing and posting this early today because I have been working hard and I just have a hankering that I will be pretty tired tonight after returning from our men’s Bible study. But it has been a good day so far, and I hope it stays that way until its end. I am thankful for that, and I hope your day has been just as good as well.

God Bless you my friends!


A preemptive Thanksgiving wish……

Because I usually blog at the end of each day I thought it would be a good idea to mention Thanksgiving tonight. Thanksgiving is a wonderful holiday, truly American, where we gather, often with family and friends, to give thanks for our blessings.

Where ever you find yourself tomorrow I hope you pause to give thanks for God’s blessings upon your life. I will be praying for you and lifting you up to the Lord as well. I appreciate you checking in on me and my life through this blog. That’s right, I consider this, and you, one of MY many blessings. And for you I am thankful.

God bless you my friends, and may your Thanksgiving be filled with an awareness of how very blessed by God we all really are. And may your heart reflect its thankfulness.

Have a great day tomorrow!

Fr. Tom+

A tale of two realities……..

Today was the best of times, today was the worst of times……..

I love what I do, I really do, so it was very hard to not be in Church doing it today. Yep, I miss work, which probably shows that the damage to my brain is far more extensive than we originally thought. But truthfully, I had a great day. It was also Mother’s Day, and seeing the joy in Amanda was worth it all. The kids and I got her a statuette with a mom and baby, and we fortunately found one with a bald baby. Ben is a great kid, and he does a lot of things well, but growing hair is not one of them. Perhaps one day the makers of Rogaine will contact us to give him a go, but for right now he is the world’s sweetest baby with the hair of Peter Boyle. But regardless, we all enjoyed the day.

Though I didn’t get to preach or celebrate today, we will be having communion later tonight as a family. And although no one ever listens to my sermons here at home (it’s a lot like church) I do plan on taking up a collection. I love my kids, but I like to keep them on their toes. They will crack up when I set down a collection plate in front of them too…..one of the best Tirman traits is that we love to laugh! We have been laughing together most of the day!

I won’t keep all of you reading this, I know we must all have dishes and laundry to do, since it is Mother’s Day and we all foolishly promise we will take care of those things, but before I go I do want to do one serious thing. I want to give thanks to God this day for all our mothers, and for all they are to us. In truth, anyone can be a parent, because that’s just science, but it takes a special person to be a mom.

I do hope your day has been as good as mine has. God bless you and I look forward to posting again tomorrow!

Fr. Tom+