Tag Archives: tents

I’m Just Two Tents…………

Tonight I built a tent in our living room for Ben while Amanda and Scott went to Steph’s work to get a few things and take her something to eat. Ben and I had a great time in the tent too. It was made with 4 TV trays and some blankets. We spent much of our time watching the Doodlebops in it and throwing balls at each other. But all good things come to an end. Amanda and Scott got home and soon I was booted from the tent and they replaced me.

Ben soon had to go to bed, and the tent is still up. Ironically, I still see feet sticking out of the bottom…..Scott’s. As everyone else left, Scott stayed. It is not a new thing though. When he was Ben’s age we used to make tents together and he used to fall asleep in them too. He and I will no longer fit in one together….but it sure was moving to see he and Ben in there together.

Anyway, Ben is in bed, Amanda is watching House MD, and Scott is just about 20 minutes from having to abandon his tent and drive me to pick up Steph. Life sure is exciting at the Tirman home, but I would not want it any other way.

Good night my friends and God Bless.
