Tag Archives: team

The return of the 10………

Today the ten players we dropped off at Northwestern for the Best of the Best Lacrosse Camp returned, and it was easy to see their transformation. Last year the two who went, my Assistant Coach’s daughter Maddi and my daughter Stephanie, came back much better players, yet they said they felt like fish out of water there because everyone was so much better. What a difference a year makes! This year, the ten shared that they were “deeply disappointed” that they lost by one goal in the championship game of the camp session (how did they develop that much???) and our goalie who also went to the camp, Jessica (we call her a Rock Star in goal) was named the top goalie of the whole camp! We are seeing some amazing transformation right before our eyes and now they want to get out and practice SOON even though our regular season begins in March of 2009!

It’s so cool! In a day and age that we see so much confusion and angst among teens, it is refreshing to see such positive focus. I am relatively new to the sport of lacrosse only having been an Assistant Coach one year and a Head Coach this past year. But in all my years of coaching (which there have been many in other sports) I have not seen such quality athletes or such enthusiasm. If I could just get them to stop singing loudly in the van when we travel I would say they would be just about perfect. But if they keep playing well and getting better, I may just wear earplugs and count my blessings.

Anyway, that’s about it for my post today……I just wanted to give a plug as a proud father and coach. Tomorrow is the day we are celebrating Ben’s first birthday, so I have a bit of work to do. (His actual birthday is Monday) But I wanted to post before my wife put me to work as pre-party labor.

Goodnight….and God Bless.


“The Best of the Best”

Today, my Assistant Coach and I drove ten high school women’s lacrosse players (two of them were our daughters) up to Northwestern University for “The Best of the Best” Women’s Lacrosse Camp which runs through Friday. Top players from all around the country gather at this clinic which is led by the Northwestern Team who has won the NCAA title the last four years in a row. Last year only our two daughters, Steph and Maddi went. This year with ten of our girls going, we expect it to make a big impact on our team!

As a former youth minister who has travelled lots of places with high school youth, I learned something today…….high school girls are a lot easier to travel with than boys. They talk and they laugh, but generally are well behaved, and I didn’t need to turn and say “stop it” once! They are a pretty good bunch, and I not only appreciate their respect, but their dedication to the team and the sport. I am excited for them to be there.

Of course the day has been exhausting (4+ hours each way) but it was well worth it. As I look at my life I can see that I have not just been blessed by family and friends, but also by other people brought into my life by my kids. I have talked about the Lacrosse Community before here in Noblesville…..they never disappoint me and always amaze me. But the girls, and their parents, really affirm all the hard work we have put into this. They are wonderful kids on and off the field, but just when I think they have plateaued, the amaze me again.

I am sure the girls, while they are away in that dorm all together at camp, are going to be miserable because they miss us terribly….right! (Oh that even made me laugh!) But I know we miss them. I suppose it’s just good practice for what is coming our way. Just yesterday Steph was in preschool, watching Barney, and showing me how she could color in between the lines. Now she is driving, dating, and hanging out at a college all week. That little girl can still be sweet, all of them can I am sure, but when they put on those goggles and grab their sticks, they seem nothing less than intimidating. That’s how they want it, but they are all great kids.

Anyway, off to bed I go. Tomorrow is full of meetings and I am pretty wiped out from the day. I will need a good night’s sleep to make it through tomorrow. But I had to mention “The Best of the Best.” Some people think it’s a camp…..I know it’s our team. And I do not think you could ever convince me otherwise!

Nite and God Bless!


My apologies…..the product of a mushy mind…….

I didn’t post last night because there was just so much spinning through my mind. Michael’s funeral was wonderful. The clergy at Our Lady of Grace did a great job of helping us to celebrate his life. Michael was such a great guy, and I even missed Michael when he couldn’t make practice……I know it’s going to be a lot harder now.

I sat at the funeral with most of the girls on our team and with Coach Corry. Michael touched everyone of them, and his influence upon them clearly was indelible. I know we were all blessed to know him, and it frustrates me very much to suddenly not be able to put what I want and NEED to say into words about him. Perhaps tomorrow will provide me the opportunity.

I work hard to keep myself together when this happens to me. As for a reason, (of course I have had a stroke) I think the happenings of the week, and the ones coming up this weekend, just trip some sort of “limit switch” in my head and my ability to move ahead just stalls. It is hard to deal with, but in time I will get there…. In the meantime, please be patient. I still do have a lot to say about this week, Michael, his funeral, and all that has happened….I just have the need and desire to say it well/right.

Okay, I am giving up for the day! Pray for clarity for me tomorrow…Lord knows I need it!


Fr. Tom+