Tag Archives: stress

Calling the day………….early.

Sadly, my stress level is over the top this evening, and despite my best efforts (about an hour sitting here typing a variety of things) I think it would be best to just call it a day and hopefully try again tomorrow. Some days we are just not at our best, and today is certainly one of them for me. And the pushing forward, is doing nothing but producing things I am not happy with, and the mercury of my frustration thermometer up to the top.

Say a prayer for me and know that I am going to just head to bed. Tomorrow is another day, and like God offers us each day, a new chance to begin again. I will take it, because today is just not doable!

My apologies….goodnight and God Bless.


Of Akron, of Councils and lack of brain cells…….

This trip has been a surprisingly difficult one for me. The stress of too much going on, the lack or rest, and the need to have my brain sharp without the capability to do so has made this exhausting! Fortunately this is our last night here. Though it is great to be around such wonderful and committed people, many of who have been longtime friends, the need to sleep in my own bed and get back to my own life is clearly my heart’s desire.

All and all however the Council Meeting has been a success. Though I have been pushed a lot further than I felt comfortable with, I am surviving. The hard part is missing the kids, which we both do. I worry about them with grandma….after all, who needs all that smiling and being told how wonderful you are?? They are all having a great time, and whenever we do get back, though they will not admit it, I am sure they will feel deep down it was a little too soon!

It really doesn’t matter because we are coming home anyhow! I have to work Sunday, and really we all do! We are leaving Deacon Dan and his wife Merry Ann, along with Father Sean in Akron for Sunday services there so they can talk to people about our work in Indiana.

Anyway, it has been a long day and I am calling it quits! Sorry for the lack of substance or depth here tonight, but my mind is absent at this point.

Nite and God bless!

Fr. Tom+