Tag Archives: St. Andrew’s Preschool

Of the blessings of preschool done well……

I received a letter today from the preschool of the first church I worked at after being ordained some 20 years ago, St. Andrew’s in Spring Hill, Florida. They (the preschool) are celebrating their 35 year anniversary on September 19th, and are asking for notes or letters to be displayed at their reception next week. It was heart-warming for me to receive such a letter, and I am more than happy to oblige!!

I remember those times in Spring Hill as some of the best in my life. The Preschool was on my agenda everyday, and I loved going over there…..primarily because it made me actually feel tall, but truthfully more than that…..I loved the kids. Everyday I would walk in and would see all these happy and excited faces that were so very pleased that I had come there to spend some time with them. I even had my own mat for story time there! And one of my fondest memories EVER is of the time the preschoolers all gathered at my ordination to the priesthood to give me a gift. I not only still have that gift, I have a picture of all of us that day too. My brother Mike is actually in the picture too, (he came to the ordination) and he is about Ben’s age in the picture. It’s hard to believe Mike is now a sophomore in college (and about 7’5″) and that all those kids are adults (yep, you are too Mike!) But time just has its way I guess. I am just thankful to God for the opportunity I had to be a part!

It has been a great day, and this letter has made it even better. There is nothing like ending the day being so pleased, but to also be flooded with such wonderful memories is an added blessing. Please join me in saying a prayer of thanksgiving for St. Andrew’s Preschool. They have blessed young little lives for 35 years now and have a lot yet to go. And for this now, much older middle-aged priest, I am thankful this day for the lasting blessings they have bestowed upon me! Thanks to Geri and all the kids!

God bless you all!

Fr. Tom+