Tag Archives: smiles

The Return of the Two Yutes……..

It has been an exciting day! Stephanie and Scott returned from New York a day early and we spent the day hanging out at home. Stephanie made candy with Amanda, and Scott and I drywalled a few spots we have been meaning to in the basement. We accomplished a lot, but more than anything it just felt good to have them home.

Ben of course is beside himself! He is SO EXCITED to play with them both. They all miss each other and it is no wonder…..when they are together they play hard! The three of them laughing together is perhaps my favorite sound, and I was so blessed to hear that all through the day.

There is no other news besides that, but for me that is enough! I will go to bed tonight quite content! God is good, and He has blessed me with wonderful children, many smiles, and a lot of laughter.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!
