Tag Archives: sleepy

Sleepy, my role model dwarf……….

Today has been one of the longest days in my memory. While workers put the “temporary carpet” and finishing touches on our new facility in Westfield, I spent time with a few others gathering the things we needed, such the tables, chairs, and liturgical items to move in after they were done. We actually were able to move most everything in by 9 pm, but still had a lot to do. Most left by midnight, and I finally left at 1:30 am with a sermon and bulletins awaiting me to prepare here at home. It will not be my best work, but all things considered, it was worth it.

This is to say, my post tonight or this morning, however you wish to define it, must be short and a few hours pre-dated to get it to post on Saturday. I am excited for the people of St. Patrick’s, but particularly for the members of all our missions who continue to contribute in their support of the ministry of St. Michael the Archangel. Tomorrow is just another marker of the Lord’s deep blessings upon us…….and for it, tired or not, I am truly thankful.

Goodnight or good morning I can’t tell which…….and God Bless!


Oh those dwarfs……Stephy, Scotty, Mandy, the little monster, and Sleepy Doc……..

Today I had a follow-up MRI. MRI’s are not that difficult for me anymore, particularly since I am extremely claustrophobic and they Xanax me up to take them. I seem to always be awake for the test. I suppose even the power of the pill can’t take away the underlying reality of what you are going through. But afterwards everything catches up and sleep ends up getting the best of you. Not that I mind……I enjoy sleep. But I spent the first hour of that time trying to convince Ben that he did too when he apparently did not. The old, “Come on Ben, daddy is tired. Just lay down and take a nap with me,” fell on deaf ears. I am not his sleeping buddy, I am his jungle gym. So Ben had to head to his room alone!

The good news is that they are not expecting to see anything unusual on this MRI other than to compare it to my first one. I have had problems and struggles that really should not be there, and this test will give a baseline of right now. I will go back to a different neurologist tomorrow to talk about some of these other struggles, and hopefully we can get them all worked out sometime soon.

But tonight, though quite tired, I am finishing this up on the back porch with “Jenny” our oldest female Golden. This explains why the cat is not out here with me…..she is not too fond of the dog invading her space. Right now however, we are not too fond of the dog invading ours. You see, last night Jenny got out into the corn field behind our house and found some “fertilizer” that the farmers put on their field and rolled all over it. And though I know she feels quite attractive, all polls indicate that she is dead wrong. She is still kenneled out here on the porch until her bath in the yard in the morning. Typing out here, though quiet, is a lot harder. She is a cutie, but only if you do not breathe.

So with that, I am off to “cleaner pastures.” I will keep everyone up to date with the results and progress like always, but I do appreciate your prayers.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless…….
