Tag Archives: shirt

Trust me, I am a doctor………………..

A few years back, after I graduated with my doctoral degree, someone gave me a t-shirt as a joke that says, “Trust me, I am a doctor.”

It of course was good for a laugh. It is one of those kind of shirts that guys sometimes wear because they actually think girls will fall for it. But in truth, girls are pretty smart and they know that most of the guys who wear those shirts are not really doctors, nor do their “property of the Indianapolis Colts Training Camp” or “FBI” shirts mean they are pro football players or special agents. (As a side note, my “property of the Indiana Pacers” shirt DID WORK on Amanda…even though I am just 5’9″ I believe she was distracted by my “I have decided to give up my career in the NBA for the ministry” line….clearly she was spellbound by my noble character)

But as for my “Trust me I am a doctor “shirt, I sometimes wear it around the house. If I wear it out however it is always under something. I guess I am a bit embarrassed by it, but tonight as I was out (wearing it under a jersey) I was thinking, “why should I be embarrassed?”

If the truth be told, I really am a doctor, no not an MD, but a kind that really can be trusted. And I suppose if you think about it, I am the kind that can provide people with what they really need! I can’t fix all that ails you, but I can give you what you need to live forever. I cannot keep you pain free, but I can introduce you to the very One who made the heavens and the earth, who knows pain Himself, and who will walk alongside you, or even carry you through it. What better kind of doctor could I be?

Maybe I should be wearing that shirt out after all…..I don’t need another girl, after all I have one……but I’m seeing that there’s really a lot of truth in its words. And it just might lead to the writing of some very helpful prescriptions!

Nite my friends and God bless….
