Tag Archives: sermon

Reflections on friendships and call………

WOW, this is about the earliest I have been ready for bed without being sick in years! It is just about 9pm, and though Puddy and I have sat down to write, everything else is done, and we are well on our way to calling it a day.

Before we go however I wanted to share a little about my day. We had two services today, one at St. Patrick’s Noblesville,and the other at St. Anne’s in Anderson. Deacon Tony Bender delivered the sermon in both places, and he did a fantastic job (you can listen to it online at http://www.indianaanglican.com/) But what made it even more special was my longtime friendship with Tony. Back in the early 1980’s we were both active lay people in our Church, St. John’s Episcopal Church in Speedway, Indiana. And though I have heard Tony talk on a variety of occasions, as he spoke today I thought about that time many years ago. I believe that both Tony and I would tell you that even though we knew I was going to seminary, neither of us would have ever imagined being in the place we are now, let alone together in it. God’s Vision for our lives and ministries is often different from our own, and for Tony and I that has certainly been the case.

But as is the responsibility of every person, we are called by the Lord to follow His Vision and not our own, and I am thankful we did. We have lots to do and it is always a blessing to be able to do it with your friends. Tony, Chuck, Sean, PT, and even Dan, are all pretty good guys (most of the time) and loyal and dedicated friends. But more importantly, they all have good hearts and those hearts are dedicated to following the Lord. We, as a Church, are all blessed to have them, but I truly feel the most blessed of all, because I also can call them my friends!

Okay……..here is a delay update! Amanda needed to use my computer and accidentally erased this once, so in truth, though is may be the earliest I have been READY for bed, it certainly will not be the earliest I have gone! But tonight I am not upset by that, I just have a thankful heart. The Lord has blessed me by allowing me to do something I love….but even more than that, He has allowed me to do it with my friends!

Goodnight and God bless!

Fr. Tom+

The final preparations…..

Well tomorrow will be the beginning of the big swing! Tomorrow I will travel down to Nashville to both preach and celebrate. It will be the first service I have done there in quite some time, and the first of three I will do this weekend.

I am really looking forward to it too. Sitting around waiting to get better has made me pretty bored, and to be honest I am one of those maladjusted people who really loves what they do. I missed being in all our missions, not just because I love being a priest, but because they are full of wonderful people too!

So tomorrow will be a big day, and then Sunday too. My sermon is almost ready, and it seems to be about what I would expect, especially considering all that I have been through. It will not be earth -shattering or have information about how you can get the mate of your dreams, make thousands without lifting a finger, or lose 25 pounds without ever exercising, but it will teach a bit about faith in Jesus Christ. The Gospel is about Jesus eating with Matthew the Tax Collector and other “sinners.” Nothing like coming back to work and starting with an IRS sermon….at least the first place I give it will be St. Matthew’s!

Anyway, they say there is no rest for the wicked, so I best be getting to bed before people start talking. But I am excited to be at this point. As they say in Florida, the shuttle is on the launch pad and all systems are go……..I am looking forward to it.

Keep me in your prayers…..this will be a lot more than I have done in months!

God Bless.


Of victories and vision……….

Today was a spectacular day. I was able to finish a sermon, deliver it in two missions, and celebrate in both places as well. It was not very eloquent, nor was it very smooth in parts, but all things considered I was very pleased. It felt good to be back doing what I love to do.

There seems to be a lot more flow to my thoughts and my direction when I am writing, over just speaking the things that I think. The visual of writing what I would say provided me the framework I was able to walk within. It was still difficult at times, but in the end quite workable. As I said, it just felt good, and though I know people worried, it was an important step for me to take.

My sermon is now posted online for people to listen to if they would like, and other pre-stroke ones are on there too. I really do want to know if there is a big difference, but it sort of scares me to compare. You see, I can tell and I know I am not where I want to be……and though I am certainly curious, hearing myself struggle at all probably do not serve me well at all. I really do already know what I sound like, and I also already know I don’t intend to sound like that for long!

It was just so very good to be back among such good Christian people. My intention now is not just to be back, but to stay back for the rest of the time the good Lord intends for me to. I’m figuring maybe another 40 or 50 years. It gives me plenty of time to work on my thoughts and my speech….and Lord knows…..I need it!

Speaking a little clearer and straighter each and every day…….

God Bless!

Fr. Tom+