Tag Archives: Septemeber 11

September 11th……..

Today our great nation takes pause to remember the events of September 11, 2001. Though it was the worst attack ever to take place upon American soil, it also was a day upon which many brave men and women stepped forward in faith displaying bravery and character truly only found within the American Spirit. Many innocent souls went to meet their Maker on that very day, while many more were called by God and Country to step forth in service, and did. It was a day like no other in our history, and the genesis of an era like no other either.

On this day we pray for our country and for the freedom we enjoy. We pray for those who have lost their lives, for those still dealing with the effects of 9/11 and of war, and for those who on our behalf have gone into harm’s way…..may the Good Lord be with them all.

I am so very thankful and proud to be an American, and I hope you are too. Let us pray that we never have to endure another attack like 9-11, and let us also pray for the safety and security of all our troops both here and abroad.

May God bless the United States of America…..the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave!

Fr. Tom+