Tag Archives: Sarah Woodruff

Requesting your prayers……

Some days are just harder to write than others, and today is no exception. I had actually written my blog for yesterday on Saturday, knowing I would be in a bit of a funk on Sunday. This site allows you to write early and “schedule” a post, and it was the first time I had tried it. I am thankful I did.

Sadly, the day yesterday turned tragic. I was notified by Deacon Morgan as I left St. Paul’s in Greenfield that one of our parishioners, Sarah Woodruff, who was just 20, had just been killed in a traffic accident on I-69. He was already with her parents and they were on the way to the hospital and that’s where I met them.

There is really no need to go into details other than to say that as you can imagine, Sarah’s family is devastated. Sarah’s funeral will be on Friday morning at 10:30 am at Davis Park in Anderson where St. Anne’s meets, and PT and I will meet with them tomorrow night to plan it. I ask you to please keep Sarah’s family in your prayers.

May Sarah’s soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the tender mercy of God rest in peace.

Fr. Tom+