Tag Archives: Sarah

A day to make me think ahead…….

We held the funeral for Sarah Woodruff this morning, and it was as nice as you could expect it to be. It was full of family and friends, and everyone involved did a good job despite the tragic circumstances. It is hard to see such good people deal with such a terrible tragedy. But I do hope they found some comfort in the care and concern of the over 200 people who gathered to celebrate Sarah’s life among us. Healing is going to take a long time.

We also received a call as I was just heading out to the funeral from another family from St. Patrick’s in Westfield. Al Schilt, a wonderful and devoted man, passed away overnight after a long illness. Al’s funeral will be Monday, and though it was expected and everyone was prepared for his death, I ask your prayers for his family too.

A boss I had in the beginning of my career in Florida always used to tell me that “in the midst of death there is always life.” And he is right. But death always causes us some degree of pain, and sometimes that degree is almost unbearable. But our hope is in the promise of Our Lord who tells us that death is never the end for those who believe.

Being a priest means sometimes walking with people at the most painful parts of their lives, but it will all be well worth it. For one day in joy I will see Sarah and Al and all those who have gone before us in the Lord. For in Christ, death is never the end of our story!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


Happy Birthday Sarah, I miss you…….

Today I have been remembering my sister Sarah, who would have been 43 today. She died in 2004 from cancer caused by a rare genetic disease that she and my sister Stephanie both had, Bloom’s Syndrome. It is a disease that causes cancer. Stephanie died in 2001.

Sarah and Steph were both pretty good people, I mean as much as sisters can be. Because of the Bloom’s they were both exceptionally short at 4’6″ and weighed maybe 70 pounds as adults soaking wet. Though through the majority of both their lives I was better known as their chief antagonist, I really do miss them. Steph had a heart of gold and Sarah was one of the funniest people to ever walk this earth. When we were younger she often wore bunny ears, and she once even gave an instructional speech for school on how to do the “Bunny Hop.” I understand she got an “A.”

One of my favorite memories of Sarah was one night very late when she and I were watching TV. It was about 1 in the morning. I was a senior in high school, and she was, I think, in 8th or 9th grade. A commercial came on for this scary movie with this killer-type guy staring right out at us. In a great panic she covered her eyes and started shaking and said “tell me when it’s over, tell me when it’s over!” So I did, but before I said it was okay, I opened my eyes just like the guy on the screen, and moved right in front of her face! It was too good to pass up, and I thought it was a riot.

Needless to say, there was A LOT of screaming at that point! Sarah went berserk and screamed her brains out and then leaped at me and tried to take my eyes right out of my head with her own hands. By the time my mom came out of her room, both of us were screaming! She had scared me probably more than I her….after all, I was just kidding around, she however was really going to kill me I am sure. But live and learn….I never messed with her again!

Sisters can sometimes irritate you beyond belief, and most days I really wish they were still around to do it too because I miss them. I usually have a Margarita on Sarah’s birthday (her favorite) but tonight I just forgot that part so writing will have to do. If heaven is a perfect place, which I believe it is, she is probably having one right now for me! And I hope to have one with both of them, many many years from now, when I get there myself!

Here’s to ya Sarah. Happy birthday……I miss you.
