Tag Archives: retire jersey

A disappointing day, an important day……

Tonight we were going to attend the Noblesville Millers Hockey game where they were retiring the jersey of Michael Treinen, our Assistant Women’s Lacrosse Coach who you may remember died from cancer a few months back. His jersey was to be retired during the game and then a Miller Skate Night would take place afterwards. We all wanted to go, but Ben and Amanda are sick, and Scott is feeling like he may be getting something. We decided to stay at home and help work here at our own private infirmary. It is so very disappointing to not be there. We all loved Michael, and such an honor was the right thing to do for the school and his family. They all are in our constant prayers.

I think of Michael often. It’s been almost eight years since my sister Stephanie was taken by cancer and almost five for my sister Sarah. I know I think of them often and miss them. I am sure they get a charge out of that, but my point is that when someone dies too soon it leaves a pretty big hole that we often find hard to fill. My friend Michael was a spectacular kid, and I know it is hard for them. His sister Meredith is running a marathon in January to help raise money and awareness about blood cancers. Check it out at http://pages.teamintraining.org/dm/pfchangs09/mtreinen I encourage you to make a pledge too! Those of us who have been effected by cancer thank you in advance!

Anyway, Michael and his family, tonight especially, are in my thoughts and my prayers. But I also have others who need it here too. Please pray for my family that they might recover quickly too. And especially for Scott, who needs to be well. He has a big part in the Noblesville High School Musical this Thursday through Saturday nights!

Goodnight my friends, and God Bless. Back to being the doctor for me!

Fr. Tom+