Tag Archives: resolution

Ode to a transportation miracle…..

Tonight I was able to tell my daughter that she could have my car until hers was fixed and she couldn’t have been happier. Her car has been in the body shop for close to a month as parts come in and work is done. What has been sacrificed has been her freedom. She has to hitch a ride everywhere now, and hearing that era was now over produced a big big smile! It made my day!

My car is a 1998 Volvo and it will become Scott’s when he gets his license, but I know he is not too pleased about it. it is a great car, but hardly something a teenager might want. I remember the days. My first car was a red white and blue 1970 Ford Pinto, hardly the “chick magnet” my 16 year old mind had envisioned. But it was good for me. I learned that a car just gets you from one place to another, and how it looks is not nearly as important as how (or if) it runs!

Anyway, tomorrow Steph will take Scott to school in “his car.” It ought to be interesting. I am just glad they will be able to drive and not lug all their stuff on the bus.

In time, lessons will be learned and most importantly I will be a chauffeur to only Ben and his mom. I like them in that they rarely go anywhere after 7! Praise the Lord for that!

Okay…off to pick up Steph from work for the last time! Yee hah!

Good night my friends and God Bless!
