Tag Archives: rescue

Amanda (again) to the rescue…….

A couple of bad memory days have led me to ask Amanda to write again…..I forgot yesterday, and though I remembered today, I am getting nowhere….my apologies….Tom+

In reading a book today, the reflections at the end of the chapter asked, “Have you told Jesus yet today that you love Him?” Immediately after reading the question, an old Rod Stewart song came into my head. Why, I have not clue….since I am not even remotely a fan of his music. But for whatever reason, I knew the words to the first verse. Go ahead, sing along as you read this, because I know you know the words too! Have I told you lately that I love you? Have I told you there’s no one else above you? You fill my heart with gladness, You take away all my sadness, Ease my troubles that’s what you do.

It struck me that these words are a love song for Jesus! What perfect words to sum up His presence in our lives. I am not a deep theologian (obviously!) if I find religion in a Rod Stewart song. But I went online and searched for the rest of the lyrics to see if it the rest of the song fits. I won’t bore you with the lyrics, but look it up and decide for yourself!

My point in this is to say that sometimes when I try to find words to “summarize” my faith, I get tongue-tied (which is hard to believe for me!). I just can’t seem to find the words that can give due honor to His name or my faith in Him. But I have realized that the words don’t have to be fancy or complicated, they just need to be grounded in what He does for His children. (who are you and I). Each day, we should spend time in gracious thanksgiving to our Lord, and share with Him how much we love Him in return. So if you can’t find your own words to get started, try Rod Stewart’s song as a place to start! God bless!
