Tag Archives: remember


Well one thing I know is that when I am stressed, or tired, or both, issues connected to my recovery come to light quite clearly! Such is the case right now. I finally MISSED blogging yesterday, and as a matter of fact, I didn’t even know. You would think I would have a better grip on something I do at about the same time everyday, but I don’t! And, if I shared all the things I forget in these times, it might amaze you. Fortunately, I forgot most of them anyhow!

Anyway, I am just trying to keep heading ahead, and it has been a challenge. I belong to a support group for people who have had a stroke, and most of them say that these things are really quite normal, especially just none months out. I am just thankful to do as well as I am (actually, I am doing great!). I am also thankful for the people around me (like my wife and kids) who keep me straight.

But now it is about midnight, and I need to go to bed. No fancy sign off tonight…..just goodnight and God Bless, and I am thankful I remembered!


A day to remember……..

Today on the Sunday after All Saints Day (November 1) we took the opportunity to remember those saints of God who walked the walk of faith before us. It is a special day, and one on which I pause to give special thanks.

I thank the Lord this day for the lives of two of my sisters, Stephanie and Sarah, who entered eternal life much too soon. For my great-grandparents, three of my grandparents, which includes my grandfather, “the architect of my life!” I also remember many friends and others who helped shape the part of the world I walked in. We often are so focused on the present that we forget all those others who made the present possible.

And I also thank the Lord for those saints I did not know, who walked the walk before us. It takes all of God’s people to make all of life work. I am thankful for them all. But today I am particularly thankful that both you and I are His saints as well.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


My brain, my brain, my kingdom for my brain………

I have had a great week, but tonight is quite difficult. Earlier in the week I was asked to consider writing an article for a professional journal that is being developed, and enthusiastically responded. I have always thought about the possibility of writing, so I wrote and asked them to narrow a few topics, which they did.

Why is tonight difficult? Because I have exposed another big blindspot in my recovery from my stroke. Though I knew the topic(s), I clearly have lost the ability to explain it(them). I looked and looked at it, and all that came to me was confusion and even fear. I knew better than to push, so I set it aside for a few hours and came back to it again……but no. My abilities to understand complex theological concepts and explain them seems to be gone….at least for now, and this is heartbreaking to me.

In terms of my career however, I have always been a theologian for the people in the pew. It used to fry me something fierce to hear some priest talking from the pulpit in language I could never understand…..AND they were often dull and boring too! I tried to make sure I never was, nor am I now. BUT, I did learn the concepts, and I did learn to speak the language…..I just never used it. I suppose I translated more than anything…..people need to understand.

But now I am afraid a lot of that is gone. I still seem to understand the material, I just can’t seem to form it right in my mind to say or write it. Doing these blogs has been helpful to me, but remember I am not teaching anything in it. My sermons require more work than ever now, and I really struggle sometimes just to get by with them. I will look at what they wrote again tomorrow, but my brain needs a new route to get to where I need to be.

I also have had other signs that I need work that I suppose I also can confess. Though I have finished The Chronicles of Narnia series, I remember no where near what I would have pre-stroke. I am reading Basic Christianity now by John Stott, and have to reread things again and again, just to get a basic handle……not good. But all in God’s time my friends not mine. I have considered the possibility that the Lord would rather I just read the comics, but for now I will consider that just my back-up plan. I continue to work, and though I make progress it seems incredibly slow, with occasional setbacks like I have had this week…..blindspots always are!

So keep me in your prayers. I am still the smartest 47 year old priest from Mishawaka, Indiana in this house, and for now I am holding onto that. I have gotten stupid before (just ask my wife) but in time I seem to recover. This may mean this is just not my time, and if that’s the case so be it. I intend to live a long time and continue to get better. And in the meantime I will continue to read, write these blogs, and struggle through sermons.

There is light at the end of the tunnel I swear, and I am more than certain it is where I am supposed to go, and not a train!

Keep the faith!


Of busy bees, brains, and brawn……..

Under the circumstances, I suppose I should be happy to remember to post, especially since the tardiness in this case is not a product of my damaged brain as much as it is just being busy. For me, I believe that is a good thing, in that I seem to be thriving and showing a lot of progress as I give myself things to do. Being busy has been a real blessing for me, and it has focused my attention and energy upon life rather than illness.

I have another busy day ahead, but I just wanted to say thanks for your continued thoughts and prayers. It seems to be making a difference….after all I know the busy bee always gets the worm.

I know, I know……I am not quite right. But then again, I never really was! But I am getting stronger every day!

Keep praying and thanks!

Fr. Tom+