Tag Archives: priesthood

Toddler Turkey Day Recovery Takes Time……

Though it’s only 6:30, Mr. Ben has had enough. Apparently all that Thanksgiving was just too much. He not only slept for close to 15 hours since they returned from my dad’s last night, but he has been fighting to stay awake even now. We have decided to give in, and since I am an early riser there is very little risk. I will be up with him at whatever time. He is just a little guy after all and he needs his rest.

As for me, I may not be long for the night either. It has been a busy day. Scotty and I went down to Nashville to finish up some projects there. Father Chuck went up to see Jane Barrett this morning and the report is good. She is stable and looking good despite all that has happened. I will see her tomorrow. We hope for improvement each day.

When I look at the life I am living it doesn’t fit the stereotype I had of a priest’s life growing up. I guess I just expected them to live these mystical/spiritual lives that were much more contemplative and lofty than the one I live now. I just remember getting older and starting to pay attention. So many clergy seemed egocentric to me, and tended to neglect their families (particularly their kids) instead of holding them close. The term “PK” (preacher’s kid) was synonymous with troublemaker and accepted as such, and that was offensive to me. I didn’t want my kids to live like that and they don’t! My life is busy……busy with family, busy with work, and always on the move. It is not too mystical, but I think it is pretty spiritual. Serving the Lord as a priest, and a husband, AND a father is what it is all about. I am happy my stereotype was wrong and I am happy I truly get it!

Anyway, there are no kids around (or awake) tonight and it is now just 7 pm and we are ALONE! I will pour a little wine and get around to being a great husband! That’s right……Amanda wants me to carry in Christmas totes from the garage. Oh if only some stereotypes were true!

Good night my friends and God Bless.
