Tag Archives: powerful

On the edge of a monumental week………..

I am at home, out on the back porch with Puddy, and other than running a few work-related errands I have been home most of the day. That has not the norm for me on a Saturday for quite some time, but the service I am normally a part of in Nashville on Saturday moves to Sunday morning AND our first permanent location at 9:00am! It is an exciting time, and though I will need to leave well before 7:00am, I cannot even begin to express how awesome it is! St. Matthew’s Nashville is our smallest congregation, yet this facility just made sense. Brown County is a beautiful place and we will use it for retreats as well as Church. The Lord has blessed us indeed!
Tomorrow also marks the first weekend that I will not be traveling around to all our missions. It is no longer possible, and now Fr. Sean and I will circuit ride with the help of Fr. Chuck, and our three handsome and competent Deacons (well at least they are competent). It will be a big change for our Church, yet one that we believe will lead to a healthier congregation and growth. Personally, I love Fr. Sean. He is my friend, and I was elated he accepted the call to join us. But unlike everyone else, now I will hardly ever hear him preach or celebrate the Eucharist! We will be together primarily at weekly meetings. But I am convinced we have the right guy for the job. Our main prayer (as I believe I have shared before) is that he would meet and fall in love with some girl who LOVES Indiana and wants to stay here forever! People may accuse me of praying selfishly, but he is a fine priest, and I AM thinking of all of you as well! He’s a great guy!
Then we will be finalizing the launch of St. Paul’s Greenfield on Sunday September 7th! That service will begin at 1pm at the First Presbyterian Church. All our clergy will be in that service (even Fr. Sean and I together). But at that point we go from 3 to 4 functioning mission churches, and then set our sights on more!
It is truly a monumental week, not for us as a Church, but for the Lord and the ministry He has called us to! None of this would be happening if He had not led us here, and we would not have seen this come to fruition had we not been faithful! All of us are “pull what little hair you have left out” busy, yet we all feel blessed! If you are a part of us, I hope you feel the same way. If you are not, I invite you to join us.
I have been a priest for close to 20 years and I have never felt so alive and blessed in my ministry. All we do seems unbelievable, but it happens….but isn’t that what faith is to be about?
Come be a part, or invite someone along! The Lord is revealing and doing many things in our midst! Come and be a part of this powerful ministry!

God bless!

Fr. Tom+