Tag Archives: organized religion

Of Church and Organized Religion…………

If there is one thing I have always hated about the Church it is the politics. When I was a kid I was quite sheltered from it, but as an adult, and particularly as a priest, I see it all the time! I often ask unchurched people I meet why they don’t go to Church, and am often given the response “because I hate organized religion.” My response to them, without variation or reservation is, “well so do I!”

I think that is part of why we have been pretty successful in the planting of Churches over these last 19 months…..because we have worked hard to not be like other Churches and we have changed our DNA. As a Church are not meant to be an “organization,” we are meant to be a CHURCH. We are the people of God gathered together to build up the Body of Christ in our world. We are to pray, heal, teach, preach, show compassion and mercy, and quite a few other things I would be able to remember if I had a whole mind. But too often churches become “who’s who’s,” and more concerned about monies, budgets, and buildings over Jesus and the people He came to save.

I believe with my whole heart we do not have to follow the bad road (though churches have done it for centuries). Where I have to have a Masters degree to be a priest (and I even have a Doctoral degree) the original disciples were uneducated fishermen and tax collectors among other things. They didn’t form task forces, long range financial plans, nor did they lock their progress up in committees or slow it down in politics. They loved the Lord, they cared for people, and they faithfully walked forward trying to fulfill mission over structure. They never intended to form “organized religion.” They only intended to serve the Lord.

Perhaps this world would be a better place if we hadn’t lost sight of that…..but more than that, perhaps it still can be if we regain that sight. We’re trying here, and I invite you to come join us.

Okay, off of my soapbox and off to bed! Goodnight my friends, and remember, your relationship with God is not about a Church, but about you……and your heart.

Fr. Tom+