Tag Archives: neurologist

Of neurology, expectations, and impatience………

I wanted to wait to post today until after my appointment with my neurologist. It just seemed easier than posting twice today, and it is helpful for me to be able to get the information out while it is fresh in my mind.

The appointment went well. He felt I was right where I should be. The struggles and the frustrations I am feeling really come from my being young and highly functional. I seem to have a lot of drive and desire to get better and with that a lot of impatience too! The effects of my stroke seem harder to me because my expectations of myself are so high. But just like any rehab of this sort, it happens in its time not mine. My body and my brain are what they are, and I am just going to have to live with them, and let them take their time!

And that too was one topic that we discussed as well. I was concerned because I felt I have not made a whole lot of progress these past two weeks. So I asked, “what if THIS is what I will be?” We talked about how that is always a possibility, but it really is an unlikely one. But despite that, I did say that I could still do it (my job and my life) if this was as good as it gets for me. It would be very difficult, but really, who am I to complain? In the whole scheme of things there are many worse things that a person can endure. After all, Porky Pig made a big name for himself despite his stutter, and I feel I owe a lot to confusion anyhow. I may just be paying the piper! For if Amanda were not a poor confused soul she might have turned down my proposal and have avoided living in all this bliss with me! So if there is anyone who needs that CT Scan it is her. But please do not let her have one…..I believe I actually benefit from her confused state!

Anyway, my next neurologist appointment is in September, so I am now just turned loose to rehab. And, I am committed to it. It has been a good day. I actually prefer my doctors to be the way they are now, encouraging, pushing away, and wanting to see me less…. verses their mid-April looks of deep concern, worry, and seriousness. How they are now makes me much less anxious, and that is VERY HELPFUL in my healing.

So the bottom line is this……. I am still plugging along and (in my mind) doing well. I appreciate your prayers and concern. And I promise, I will be back in the saddle very, very soon.

God bless!
