Tag Archives: names

“What’s in a name?” And don’t call me Juliet!

I have been thinking a lot about names lately, and my name in particular. My name is of course, “Thomas,” meaning “the twin,” though I understand (from witnesses) that I was born all by myself, and am far from having two personalities!

But the funny thing is that no one really ever calls me Thomas, nor have they ever. And honestly that’s something for which I am very thankful. My feelings for my full name border a little past “strong dislike.” Tom is fine, but Thomas is out! Not only is it the name of a toy train covered apparently with tons of lead paint, but it just seems so formal.

I actually grew up as Tommy, which is the name I prefer, but the one I tried to escape at 12 years old as being too childish. I made such a big fuss about it in Florida with my dad’s mom (Grandma Keenan) that I am sure I hurt her feelings. It embarrasses me to this day! Pre-adolescent stands are sometimes so foolish when we look back at them….okay they almost always are. And isn’t it ironic that as an adult I like Tommy better now.

Tommy however, doesn’t flow too well professionally. Father Tommy or Doctor Tommy seems like a name for me at 5 in a Halloween costume. And at home my wife doesn’t like me to use it. But she doesn’t like Mandy either, which is what her family calls her. Too bad, because I like them both. And I do not know why she is so against it. I think it is better to call me Tommy around the house rather than “your highness,” or “Brad Pitt,” like she normally does…..after all I am not really royalty.

But people often ask me what I want them to call me, and I always say, “call me whatever you like, what makes you comfortable.” I suppose this is a way of saying I still mean that. But in my heart, I will always be just Tommy. And since I know she can hear me, I’m sorry grandma…..you were right! My real name is Tommy, and Tommy it will always be.

Nite and God bless!

Tommy+ (Fr. Tom+)