Tag Archives: missed call

Heading toward normal, sort of……

Amanda is doing much better, Ben is as well. I had a full day of work, and YES, though I have not yet called Mike Constantine, I did remember ALL DAY. I was just swamped. BUT, despite feeling pretty sharp, I dropped the ball completely in that I forgot to do a surgery visit for a parishioner and very good friend. (sorry Barbara!) I felt absolutely terrible about that, and apologized profusely on the phone, but as I shared yesterday, my detailed short-term memory is pretty awful.

So my day of victory and pride was pretty well all wiped out in one fell swoop. I am still upset about it, but I also know in my heart that it is all part of moving ahead. It seems so long since I have had these struggles in such a way (and here I am struggling to find the correct words) but not every day will a winner. It’s just important to get up, dust off, and try again. And I intend to do just that!

Anyway, despite the struggles, my hope and prayer is that you have had a great day. I am declaring this day now finished. A new day dawns in the morning!

Good night my friends and God Bless.
