Tag Archives: Mishawaka

Of perspectives and their blessings…..

Despite the snow, I was able to have a meeting, a Bible Study, and get Ben to the doctor today (with Amanda). It is now a few minutes after 10pm and the plow has just hit our street for the first time. With all the snow we have had, some reports of a foot, you can imagine how challenging my day has been.

On the upside, we have a plan now with Habitat for Humanity, the Tony Dungy Bible Study book has been completed, a men’s group begins next week (at St. Patrick’s) in its place, and Ben now has medicine for “pink eye” of which two doses have already been given. It’s been a snowy, but productive day.

It surprises me, because all around me the (local) world seems shut down. The snow was a normal one from where I am from, and to me there seemed no reason to not get things done. It didn’t look like a foot to me, more like 6-8 inches, but life is often all about perspective. Perspective can limit or empower and often influences our attitude. This snow would have been a minor, yet expected inconvenience (after all it is winter) in Mishawaka, but here it was a news story…..go figure.

Anyway, the day is done and I am in bed typing away. The cat is on my feet, Amanda is asleep, and Ben is here too, as close as he possibly can be (to her) probably giving her pink eye. But I am thankful for the day, and for the snow and my heritage as a northerner. These snows remind me of home and of my youth, and those thoughts are always good for my soul. I was blessed to grow up in a great place at a great time, and those memories are a real gift. Snow makes everything seem so beautiful and new. I thank God for it and for today. I hope you had a blessed day as well.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.
