Tag Archives: migraines

Deja vu all over again……

As heartbreaking as it seems, I had to take Amanda in for another shot for a migraine headache this morning, and then I had to take her in again for another shot this afternoon. As you may remember, I took her last week as well. The day seemed like deja vu all over again. It seemed like deja vu all over again. And yes, that was just a joke….my stroke no longer makes me do things twice twice.

But in all seriousness, I really feel badly for her. One migraine in a lifetime I know is more than enough for anyone. People who have them really suffer from them. And it is almost unfathomable to think about having two in one week, and then have the second one not respond to those shots. Most of the people I know who get relief and the shots make them sleep for a couple of days, but not Amanda. She is awake and miserable.

The doctor did order a CT scan which fortunately turned out to be normal, but it doesn’t answer the question of “why?” which really bothers her. Nor does it solve my her primary problem……the headaches are debilitating. We were just very thankful to not find any underlying causes…..beacuse some of them can be scary!

I have to say I am exhausted, busy with kids, and have fallen asleep twice now typing this with Ben and Scotty lwatching me. It has been a big day and I am still on duty. I want her to get better. Let’s just hope and pray we are not doing it again tomorrow!

Peace and no headaches!
