Tag Archives: messy

Finding order in chaos…….

We are once again reclaiming parts of our basement, and in fact, I have done most of my work today from my office which is done there. My library is there as well as the copier and church supplies, but it is still a staging room for the construction as well. Okay, it is more of a “put things that belong out in the main part of the basement in order to keep them out of the construction areas” room. Either way it is a mess. I am just glad to finally have a little space.

It often seems as if my office lately is somewhat a metaphor for my life…..there always seems to be something out of place. It always feels like a work in progress. It always feels as it there is something yet to finish. And every time I think it is under control, something else happens to take it out of the amazing order I dream about.

I suppose if the Lord wanted me to have that kind of order I wouldn’t be me. Plus, I think with that kind of order I might be bored. Amanda is a lot like that, and thrives in it. I always tell her she put the capital O in OCD. Her desk is immaculate, mine is messy. Her many sides of the closet are categorized, while my small part still has me asking her where stuff is. She is a scientist, and I am the big winner! After all, if she is so smart and organized, she should have married better! I clearly have the easier job!

Anyway, me and my metaphoric tornado are heading to bed to make a mess of the neatly made bed which has some 600 pillows on it, none of which match, but that are laid out in some sort of geometric pattern that I will never master as long as I live. Even the cat avoids getting near them. But underneath my mattress awaits for me to call it a day.

I hope you have had a great one….I know I have!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.
