Tag Archives: memory


Well one thing I know is that when I am stressed, or tired, or both, issues connected to my recovery come to light quite clearly! Such is the case right now. I finally MISSED blogging yesterday, and as a matter of fact, I didn’t even know. You would think I would have a better grip on something I do at about the same time everyday, but I don’t! And, if I shared all the things I forget in these times, it might amaze you. Fortunately, I forgot most of them anyhow!

Anyway, I am just trying to keep heading ahead, and it has been a challenge. I belong to a support group for people who have had a stroke, and most of them say that these things are really quite normal, especially just none months out. I am just thankful to do as well as I am (actually, I am doing great!). I am also thankful for the people around me (like my wife and kids) who keep me straight.

But now it is about midnight, and I need to go to bed. No fancy sign off tonight…..just goodnight and God Bless, and I am thankful I remembered!


Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow!!!!

As amazing as it sounds, I not only called Mike Constantine today, but I had the opportunity to talk with him too! Praise God! Mike is such a fine man, and I felt so terrible about my memory, and said so again and again. He was so gracious and understanding. He is a good man! He will be up here in a few months (he and his family live in Little Rock)and I will have the opportunity to get together with him then. I am looking forward to it.

Now of course, I wish I could remember to call Geri Anderson!!!! Okay, I know that sounds like a joke, but I think I wrote about her some time ago. Geri is the Director of the St. Andrew’s Preschool in Spring Hill, Florida, part of the Church I worked at when I was first ordained in the late 80’s. Geri had sent me a letter talking about I think the 30th Anniversary and asked for a letter talking about the time I was there which would be displayed with similar letters from others over all those years.

I was SO EXCITED to read that letter that I sat down and wrote mine right away. I could remember people and details, and how the members of the preschool class were special guests at my ordination to the priesthood. I have a picture of my brother with them when he was just Ben’s age now at that event. And, I still have every gift they gave me. I was so happy to write the letter…..it’s just a crying shame that it has been sitting on my desktop since the moment I wrote it. That’s right, I forgot. Stupid huh? I wrote it September 12th.

Anyway, I am going to contact Geri next week. And your prayers worked so well with Mike, I am asking for them again so I remember this with Geri! It would be nice to conquer this as well.

My friends it has been a GREAT DAY! I will speak more about it in my blog entry this Sunday, but your help in praying for my memory has been greatly appreciated!

As for me, I am off to take my wife to get an ice cream! I am tired, but I am happy, and I still know what side of the bread to butter!

Good night my friends and God Bless!


Heading toward normal, sort of……

Amanda is doing much better, Ben is as well. I had a full day of work, and YES, though I have not yet called Mike Constantine, I did remember ALL DAY. I was just swamped. BUT, despite feeling pretty sharp, I dropped the ball completely in that I forgot to do a surgery visit for a parishioner and very good friend. (sorry Barbara!) I felt absolutely terrible about that, and apologized profusely on the phone, but as I shared yesterday, my detailed short-term memory is pretty awful.

So my day of victory and pride was pretty well all wiped out in one fell swoop. I am still upset about it, but I also know in my heart that it is all part of moving ahead. It seems so long since I have had these struggles in such a way (and here I am struggling to find the correct words) but not every day will a winner. It’s just important to get up, dust off, and try again. And I intend to do just that!

Anyway, despite the struggles, my hope and prayer is that you have had a great day. I am declaring this day now finished. A new day dawns in the morning!

Good night my friends and God Bless.


In memory, but doing something now…….

Tonight, after a very busy and brutal day for me, Amanda, Scotty, Ben and I met my dad, his wife Debby, and my sister Anna at Victory Field for the Lymphoma and Leukemia Society’s Walk. It was a big crowd, which is hard for me from the start, but it was a great cause. We walked in memory of my sisters Steph and Sarah.

It made for a great night. Though my sisters lost their battles with cancer, there were many survivors there carrying white balloons. I rejoiced for them! Congratulations! They are indeed blessed. And there were many there like us, people who have walked with those who have fought the good fight. I promise you, it is not a fraternity you would want to be in, yet there is a real bond and understanding between those who have lost loved ones to such horrific disease. And of course there were also the brave souls there within the battle, and their families and friends too. They need our prayers and our support. Cancer is such a terrible thing. I know we wish a cure could be found.

For now however, that is not the case, so we are called to join hands and support one another. I am glad we do too. As a priest I am so used to helping others, yet I will never forget those who stepped forward for our family, and with all that we can, we intend to return that blessing.

Pray for those dealing with cancer and pray for their healing. They all appreciate and deserve our prayers!

Good night and God Bless.


Taking off the lifejacket and swimming with the Lord……

I have been struggling quite a bit with things dealing with my memory….and it is killing me! I read books all the time to help me get some of it back, yet I still have to go back and reread (and reread) things over and over. For instance, even now, I have little comprehension of all the Chronicles of Narnia books Scotty and I read over the summer.
Amanda’s blog last night, which I so much appreciated is another example. When we talked about it today I hadn’t a clue what she wrote. I reread it again tonight, and to be honest I still don’t remember it just from a few hours ago. It is terribly frustrating, and though I hear people time and time again sharing how they forget things all the time and not to worry, it remains at the forefront of my thoughts because it is my basic operating system. In computer language, it’s not like some game or program not working, it’s my WINDOWS, and it is not just frustrating, it’s scary.
I suppose if there is any blessing at all in this it is that I am not a surgeon, particularly YOUR surgeon. In converse, I am currently the ultimate guy you would want to owe money to I suppose too, though I am sure that you don’t! I know that it is often considered taboo to make fun of such things, but you know if I couldn’t make fun of it or laugh at it I would go crazy. Humor is a gift fro God Himself, and I am thankful that the stroke did not take that away!
Ultimately however, I am seeing the Lord move me to new opportunities in both ministry and life. We’ve all heard the expression that when one door closes the Lord opens another, and that’s exactly what I see (though I often forget it). I sometimes worry about it, but then wonder why I should. I have been blessed, and the Lord has always taken care of me. I believe He is merely adjusting my course, and not making me adapt to some stupid handicap, but taking me higher.
I am certain this is the truth, and I patiently (okay not always patiently) await just what He has in store for me!
Thanks for tuning in!
Goodnight and God bless.


Amanda (again) to the rescue…….

A couple of bad memory days have led me to ask Amanda to write again…..I forgot yesterday, and though I remembered today, I am getting nowhere….my apologies….Tom+

In reading a book today, the reflections at the end of the chapter asked, “Have you told Jesus yet today that you love Him?” Immediately after reading the question, an old Rod Stewart song came into my head. Why, I have not clue….since I am not even remotely a fan of his music. But for whatever reason, I knew the words to the first verse. Go ahead, sing along as you read this, because I know you know the words too! Have I told you lately that I love you? Have I told you there’s no one else above you? You fill my heart with gladness, You take away all my sadness, Ease my troubles that’s what you do.

It struck me that these words are a love song for Jesus! What perfect words to sum up His presence in our lives. I am not a deep theologian (obviously!) if I find religion in a Rod Stewart song. But I went online and searched for the rest of the lyrics to see if it the rest of the song fits. I won’t bore you with the lyrics, but look it up and decide for yourself!

My point in this is to say that sometimes when I try to find words to “summarize” my faith, I get tongue-tied (which is hard to believe for me!). I just can’t seem to find the words that can give due honor to His name or my faith in Him. But I have realized that the words don’t have to be fancy or complicated, they just need to be grounded in what He does for His children. (who are you and I). Each day, we should spend time in gracious thanksgiving to our Lord, and share with Him how much we love Him in return. So if you can’t find your own words to get started, try Rod Stewart’s song as a place to start! God bless!
