Tag Archives: Mel Tillis

My brain, and yes, it’s still there……..

Because I was heading back to the neurologist yesterday I wanted to wait until after my appointment to post. Though I was only one of three people in the exam room (my doctor, my wife, and I) and though I certainly was apprehensive, I do want to report that it all went pretty well. In a nutshell, basically, I have a bit of work to do to get to where I both need and want to be. I have indicators of problems in a few areas, but as I told Amanda in front of the doctor, not loading the dishwasher is a problem I had pre-stroke, and was not a neurological issue that he needed to deal with….but I digress. (but I still struggle with the dishes)

The bottom line is that even though there are a few test results we are still waiting for, they will not change my bottom line. I will have some speech therapy, I will watch myself, I will work hard, and I will do all I can to make sure I recover and that this never happens again. Thankfully the chances of a repeat performance apparently are extremely low, so hopefully sooner or later I will get back to only seeing my doctor for check-ups like everyone else. My face is still a little numb, and I stutter a bit, but I am 46 and have a 10 month old baby……I already ache all the time. And if Mel Tillis can overcome stuttering to record tons of country songs, why should I worry about a few sermons? After all, maybe the change of pace in my “giddy-up” will help a wake a few people up!

I want you all to understand though, despite my making fun of it, I do take my health very seriously, as we all should. Laughing for me however, helps me to deal with things as I go through them, particularly hard things. In truth, the Lord only gives us this one body, and you have to take care of it. I want you to know that I am working hard to take care of mine. I hope and pray you are too.

Please praying for me as I continue to walk forward. I appreciate it very much and it is the most helpful thing for me that you can do.

God Bless, and thanks!

Fr. Tom+