Tag Archives: Meet and Greet

Back in the saddle on the Walmart horse………

Well I am happy to say that the fog has cleared, the lawn is mowed, the day is done, and Puddy and I (sans weedkiller) are finally relaxing out on the back porch. It is great to get here and feel so good. The foggy periods are very trying for me, and actually pretty disturbing. And I want to thank both Amanda and Scott for doing a little writing for me during that time. It is greatly appreciated. It is one thing to take out the trash for someone or to fold some laundry……it is write another to compose a blog entry when you have never done one. They are both troopers (and Ben’s too young and Steph is too smart!) For their help though, I am very thankful!

Tomorrow night in Greenfield we will be hosting an event that we have not ever tried before launching a Church (we are launching there in September). It is called a “Meet and Greet” and all our clergy will gather together at a restaurant and just have an old fashioned “social” of sorts. We will provide soft drinks, coffee, and desserts. I will speak a little bit about what we are doing, and then we will give people the opportunity to just chat with us and ask questions. Our hope is that it goes well. Greenfield is a place where there has never been an Anglican Church, and we are excited to have the opportunity to launch there. Our friends at the First Presbyterian Church there are allowing us to use their Church as a worship site. We will start there September 7th!

This Saturday another big event will take place in Greenfield too. On Saturday morning, from 9:00am to 11:30 am, thanks to the generous people at the Greenfield Walmart, we (our Clergy and a few others) will be collecting canned goods and non-perishable items for the Hancock County Food Pantry on the far end of the Walmart parking lot between the O’Charley’s and the Murphy Gas. Though we have yet to hold a worship service, we want to hold up our intention of reaching out to those in need. Jesus calls us to feed the hungry, and what better way to start out than this?

Anyway, it is great to be out of the fog and back in the race!! Thanks for your patience and understanding, and thanks again to Amanda and Scott. The foggy periods are not as frequent anymore (praise the Lord!) but it’s good to know that others are watching out for me when they happen. I am truly blessed!

Good nite my friends and God Bless.
