Tag Archives: marriage

Of weddings, of friends, and of marriage…….

What a glorious day! I had the opportunity to marry two of my friends this afternoon at a ceremony at their home on the lake. It was a great blessing to see them so happy, and a real privilege for us all to be able to be a part. Shelly and Eric are a wonderful couple and clearly a couple the Lord has brought together. I am certain He has great plans for them both in the future as well.

Weddings are always such a blessing. It is a time to gather with family and friends before God and ask His blessing upon the couple. Their relationship at that point changes…..as the Bible says, the two become one flesh. The enter two people, and leave husband and wife.

What we know in this day and age however is that too many people make the wedding the big thing rather than the marriage itself. The wedding is just the event…..the marriage is to last a lifetime! Even right now, though they may look the same and feel the same about each other as they did at 4:30, in fact things have changed and are changing! People in marriage become something new, and when they realize that and take the very One who brought them together along in that new relationship, what they find is that blessings abound even more!

Congratulations this day to my good friends Shelly and Eric Wetzel! Thanks for letting me be a part of your lives and your special day! May your marriage be a blessing to you and to your family. And may all marriages grow and be strengthened by the Lord Himself, who calls men and women together to be one in His Name!

God bless you my friends!

Fr. Tom+