Tag Archives: macaroni

It’s late, I’m bored, and I am tired…..thank GOD!

Well tonight there is no moon, no fireworks, and no distractions because I am writing this early. It has been a busy day and I can’t even begin to express how ready I am to get some sleep! So tonight my daughter’s beliefs that I am “so old” will not be dispelled. I will hit the bed before 10pm tonight (which I believe is pretty late anyhow, but please don’t tell Steph)

In addition to wearing myself out today however I got a lot of things done. We made some progress on our plans for St. Paul’s Greenfield. I was able to speak with my friend Sister Sarah Masterson who is a nun in the northern part of the state. I finished up some final touches on my sermon for tomorrow. And in addition to the usual office stuff, Ben and I also did a few home repairs between the macaroni and cheese and sippy cups. (That’s all Amanda allows me to use, she says I’m messy)

But regardless, lately it seems it always comes down to Puddy and I out here on the porch typing at the end of the day. She’s the perfect assistant to be out here with me as I type, because unlike her canine companions, she never drops a wet ball into my lap or eats the porch rails or the chairs. She just watches birds and bugs till I finish up and we go in. I appreciate her company for the hour or so we are usually out here together….it’s clearly quality time. After all she sleeps about 22 hours a day, and to give me half of her awake time in a day makes me feel tremendously important.

Though I rarely watched it, Jerry Seinfeld made a great living in starring in a show about nothing. Somehow I feel like my day today could be one of his episodes. Not everyday in the life of a priest contains an amazing transformation, an interrupted wedding (at the objection part), the confession of a murder, or an exorcism! If you are expecting any of that, you are watching way too much TV…..(or it may be happening tomorrow). Today was pretty routine!

But today, more than anything, was just a day I got to enjoy with my youngest boy where not a whole lot happened…..thank God for that too!

I will count it as a win, and hit the bed for hopefully some quality sleep.

It has been a great day…..I pray that yours has been one too!

Nite and God bless!
