Tag Archives: loud

Of living at and in the pseudo-airport……….

The industrial fans are running and their friends the industrial dehumidifiers are on as well. We are so used to these that they are like furniture. And though it sounds like we are working as a ground crew for an airplane that has its engines on, the good news is that this airplane is going to be taking off…..perhaps Monday morning. We were out looking for flooring this afternoon, and by Monday that should be done too…….leaving nothing but putting it all back together for us to live in (hopefully) blissful peace.

In truth, I am glad that all this is coming to an end. Our house has been out of commission too long. It is hard to have things piled up in different areas, and though the guys who work to put it all together are great guys, and I mean really great guys, it is hard having people in and out all the time. And with our busy schedules, adding all this in just makes things so hard. It will be nice to get back to our regular chaotic lives.

Anyway, nothing too deep today. It has been a busy but productive day. I am looking forward to tomorrow too. It is always such a privilege to be among such wonderful people. I hope you have had a great day!

God Bless!
