Tag Archives: life

A day of thankfulness and bliss……..

Yee ha! We have contractors in our house and things are moving along. I was told that they hope to be done within two weeks. It will be awesome to have our home back to normal again…..or at least as normal as it normally is!

Life just sometimes sidetracks, and we have to deal with what comes. Certainly we all want it in our own terms, but what I have found, in my short almost 48 years, is that it rarely ever is. Life generally spans the entire spectrum. But in truth we are only promised paradise in heaven, not here. Oh sure, living with my wife Amanda is like living that kind of paradise all the time 😉 but most everything else can go back and forth.

I am writing and posting this early today because I have been working hard and I just have a hankering that I will be pretty tired tonight after returning from our men’s Bible study. But it has been a good day so far, and I hope it stays that way until its end. I am thankful for that, and I hope your day has been just as good as well.

God Bless you my friends!


Of living life to the fullest……….

There are so many things I thought I would have accomplished by this point in my life, and I often wonder why they were set aside. It never takes me too long to realize that being a dad is a big priority for me, and apparently more of a priority than writing that book, or working to get a teaching gig at a university part-time.

Tonight I set a few things aside to go with Amanda and Ben to the bookstore and grocery. Sure, I spent a good piece of time looking through the “Religion” section to find books to continue our clergy training, but after that was done I spent quite a bit more time with my head under a blanket with Ben in his shopping cart laughing and giggling while people walked by clearly thinking we were lunatics. I recommend it, because it is really good work if you can get it. AND, it really is much better than theology any day.

In fact, despite an undergrad in Religion, and masters and doctoral degrees too, I have learned that all the intellect and theory in the world can never replace our call to be with and care for people. And though I am pretty smart, I believe I became a better priest and person when I set aside the notion that all that knowledge was more important than doing the right thing (which is often pretty simple.)

Sadly, I spent a lot of years listening to clergy, and many times they were bishops, intellectually attempting to justify what I knew in my heart was sinful. If education is supposed to make you smarter, many of them should ask for their money back! I don’t follow them anymore!! But sadly many people still follow this nonsense because they listen to these theological dissertations that don’t sit well even in their own hearts. They stay with people who say “well that isn’t us,” yet who remain under the very authority they claim to not be a part of. I am no rocket scientist, but if you are in bed with someone you are in bed with them, you cannot deny it. It doesn’t fool the simplest soul, why do they think they can fool the Lord. A lot is at stake. A love for a building, or to follow people making immoral choices, is pretty risky if you ask me…..but maybe I am just not smart enough to know!

Anyway, all this is to say life matters and our choices do as well. Jesus does accept us for who we are, but then as the Bible tells us we are called to live from that point as “new creations.” We were never promised that it would be easy. In fact, being a Christian is often hard, and their is often a cost for making the right choice. But we ought to remember that Jesus Himself has led the way for us, and He has paid a price higher than we ever will. Choose that good road, that road less traveled, and see what the Lord has in store for you!

Life is good my friends…..live it! Goodnight and God Bless!

Fr. Tom+

200 and counting……..

Today marks the 200th post on this, “Tales of a Faithful Dragonslayer,” quite an accomplishment seeing as I started the daily posts to help recover from the stroke. It has been a joyful, though at times arduous task. But in the end it has helped get me to where I am now. I believe I still have a long way to go, but clearly my mind is far better than it was in April, and I want to thank all of you for coming along on this ride!

As I reflect back, I know I have run the full spectrum of themes and issues. Sometimes I just shared about my life and family, sometimes I spoke about the Church and faith, and others I clearly talked about my struggles in recovery. I am sure it has not always been pretty, but in truth I never expected it to be. My life is complex and has plenty going on. It has been healthy for me, a real gift, to be able to write about it.

At the onset, I never had the intention of that path for this. It was going to be far more serious. But God often has other plans for us, doesn’t He? I take it in stride. After all, I never thought I would be a priest. I figured I would be in medicine or something similar. My blog reflects the life I never intended to live. The Lord sure has a great sense of humor. But for Him and this life I am truly thankful.

So with that, I am off to bed. It has been a long day, and long weekend at that. May God Bless you as deeply or even more than He has blessed me! Thanks for checking in and following along. The Lord only knows what these next 200 will bring!



Profits and loss……..

As I was considering what to write about today I once again was drawn to the “Verse of the Day” found on the front page of our website, a pretty neat feature sponsored by Christ Notes. Today it is Matthew 16:26 which says, “For what will it profit a man, if he gains the whole world and forfeits his life? Or what shall a man give in return for his life?” In other translations instead of “life” it uses the word “soul.” The idea however is the same. As Christians we are called not to amass treasures on earth, where the Bible points out moth and rust consume, but we are instead called to lay up for ourselves treasures in heaven….for where our treasure is so will our hearts be also!

If we look around however, we can see that many people seem to head in the other direction. TV is filled with tons of ways you can get rich. We glamorize (and sometimes idolize) wealth and celebrity. And there’s a lot of anxiety, especially these days, about OUR economy, and the effects it will have upon US.

But we live in a world that needs to focus less on us, and more upon the Lord. Our economy may have it’s ups and downs, but we should always remember that God’s economy always grows!

You know every person any of us has ever known has come into the world naked and with nothing, and here’s a big secret….the “with nothing” is how they all leave it too (and that includes us). It doesn’t matter how important we are, or how much we have made or have…..in the end we can not take anything with us. You see, it profits us nothing to gain even all we could imagine. The only thing that really matters in the end is our belief in Jesus Christ, for it is through that belief that we indeed gain everything we need…..through Him we gain eternal life!

This life we live really is important and it has a lot of meaning! But we do not find that meaning in things, we find it in our relationship with the very One who created all that we see!

Nite my friends and God bless…..I hope today and all your days are full of the kind of profit that will pay off for eternity!

Fr. Tom+